Alert: LCB files Preproposal Statement of Inquiry for vendor cannabis samples rulemaking

The Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) has filed a preproposal statement of inquiry (CR 101) to consider amending WAC 314-55-096 to update cannabis vendor sample rules.

The LCB is asking for public input on this rulemaking topic. Following the comment period, the LCB will distribute and publish proposed rules, establish a formal public comment period consistent with chapter 34.05 RCW, and hold a public hearing before the rules are adopted.

This notice is found on the LCB rulemaking webpage.

Public Comment Details

Please send your comments on the vendor cannabis sample rules to the LCB by mail, e-mail, or fax by April 14, 2023. The CR-102 with proposed rule amendments is anticipated to be filed on or after May 24, 2023, following collaborative rule development.

By mail:
Rules Coordinator
Liquor and Cannabis Board
P.O. Box 43080
Olympia, WA  98504-3080

By email: 

By fax:

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