Make sure you’re taking the right Cal/OSHA training to stay compliant
Operating a safe workplace is not only the right thing to do, but also an important part of staying compliant with your cannabis license. All licensees must take the necessary steps to protect their employees from health and safety issues related to their work.
Because there’s been some confusion about which Cal/OSHA course to take, DCC has updated the CannaConnect page with the right information.
Check out the Cal/OSHA requirements for cannabis businesses and make sure:
- You’re up to date on the requirements and regulations that apply to your business
- You have an up-to-date Injury and Illness Prevention Program
- Staff have completed or are enrolled in the Cal/OSHA 30-hour Standards for General Industry Training (not the federal OSHA 30-hour training)
As an employer, you need to have a written plan to identify and correct health and safety risks. You also need to provide regular safety training for staff. DCC and the Department of Industrial Relations have a variety of tools and resources to help you meet this requirement so you can get to the business of running your business, safely. Check out the Cannabis Industry Health and Safety webpage.