American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine(AJEM) Launches In The UK

Here’s an update we received today…

Are you getting more requests and questions from patients about cannabis?

Cannabis and the endocannabinoid system are revolutionising modern medicine. This re-emerging medicine is unveiling a new generation of therapeutics for hard to treat illnesses. This ancient medicine offers renewed hope for millions of British citizens with chronic or deadly conditions.

Later this month The American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine(AJEM) and their world leading faculty are joining the UK. This peer reviewed journal offers leading academic knowledge of the endocannabinoid system and gives you confidence in endocannabinoid system therapies being a first line treatment for UK patients.

Join AJEM’s world leading scientists as they guide us through the literature and research of the endocannabinoid system and explore its implications for society.

Global Cannabinoid Solutions and AJEM would like to cordially invite you to be a part of this academically-led conversation. Speak with us about how we can support you and accelerate your understanding of the endocannabinoid system and its relationship with disease.

Please sign up to our newsletter below to keep up to date with the latest data and research.

Here is their Mission Statement

American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine Mission Statement:
The objective of the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine is to help educate physicians on the subject of medical cannabis through research, independent medical studies and evidence based data. AJEM aims to present/ interpret the currently available authoritative research, while stimulating questions regarding the role of medical cannabis as a growing methodology in the eld of treatment and patient care. The intent of AJEM is to be utilized as a re- source and contribute to the examination and discussion of medical cannabis.

American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine achieves these goals by publishing scienti c papers on relevant topics with regard to medical cannabis from all parts of the world. The journal will present both international and domestic studies, as well as research interpretation and opinion pieces from thought leaders in the medical cannabis. Original articles will be presented in a full length review style which will help amplify their informational value while minimizing the fatigue factor of lengthy research statistics. Additionally, spe- cial issues, full length educational supplements and medical seminars at which speci c targeted subject areas will be presented and discussed.

The journal ensures a high quality of publishing by virtue of a well recognized international Editorial Board. Content review- ers will comprehensively cover all aspects and phases of medical cannabis treatment and research.

Latest Issue

AJEMVol2Issue1-2 (1)

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