And on the other hand… Spain, Podemos announces proposed law to legalize cannabis

Cannabis clubs may have been voted down.. but this may well happen which in turn could open up the cannabis clubs conversation again.

La Marihuana again

Podemos announces that in October it will present a bill to legalize recreational cannabis for adults

This past week, we have lived in Spain as the Senate has voted against the regulation of cannabis clubs. The vast majority of the Upper House, with the socialist party PSOE and the conservatives of the PP at the head by number of senators, have voted against regulating these places of consumption condemning them to a more than uncertain future.

A few days later, it was the left-wing political formation Podemos, which has announced that it plans to present this month of October, a bill to legalize cannabis for recreational use by adults.

We can announce a bill to legalize cannabis

The deputy of the purple formation, Lucía Muñoz, announced last Friday that her group will present this coming October a bill that would legalize the use of cannabis in Spain for adult citizens.

The left-wing deputy and in an appearance with the press, said that at the moment they were working and ending with the proposed text of the Law that will open “a space for reflection and dialogue with civil society groups to make an assessment and submit contributions to the text ” . Lucía Muñoz has said that they intend to register the legislative initiative in Congress “at the beginning of October.”

At the press conference the deputy said: “We have summoned you to announce that at the beginning of October we will have a list of the law regulating cannabis for adults. This is a work that we have been doing for a long time and from here on a process will begin in which we will open spaces for reflection and dialogue with civil society groups that we hope will be able to make an assessment and make the pertinent contributions to the text . “

“This text raises a regulatory model that includes the existing reality that exists of alternatives to the illicit market that right now are self-cultivation and associations, we want to provide legal security to a reality that already exists. From the economic point of view it also seems to us that the current situation, which is that there is an illicit market, generates negative externalities and that with this text we can solve “

With this appearance at a press conference, the United We can group advances the presentation of the proposed Law. There is optimism in the training regarding the processing of this proposal, since they say they know “more or less at what point each political group is.” with parliamentary representation on the proposal, and that in recent times has changed “there are changes of position that could favor the approval of this law.”

In their 2019 election program they already advocated for another legal status for cannabis

For the elections to the Spanish Parliament in November 2019, the political formation Unidas-Podemos was already betting on its program for the legalization or decriminalization of the self-cultivation of cannabis and the possession of cannabis for personal use. In addition and also, the formation was committed to finding a way to regulate cannabis clubs, to avoid legal problems for them and their associates.

Another issue and in the same direction was his commitment to the establishment “of the State guarantee in the safety of consumers and in the control of the production, trade and consumption” of cannabis.

Up to twenty plants for self-cultivation in 2018 in draft

Through the Cannabis Circle of Podemos, he drew up a draft that El Independiente published and that apart from defending the medicinal and recreational legalization of cannabis for adults, it also proposed to legalize the personal cultivation of up to 20 annual plants.

The same draft that was being worked on provided for tax collection between 3,000 and 6,000 million euros. “We are working a lot of people, doing serious work, as serious as a law that plans to change the lives of 4.5 million people, ” Podemos said through Twitter.

Already in 2018, Podemos issued a statement betting on a total regulation of cannabis

The purple formation has always been behind any initiative in favor of regulating cannabis both recreationally and medicinally.

Also in 2018, Diario Médico echoed the statement from Unidos Podemos, in which the political group said that it was seeking “comprehensive, recreational and therapeutic regulation” and added; “Therapeutic use is a matter of human rights, while there is scientific evidence that cannabis has properties that are palliative for certain serious pathologies.”

“Only through regulation can patients be guaranteed access to medical treatment that considerably improves their living conditions.” And it is guided  “it would mean progress in the fight against trafficking and crime associated with this phenomenon and in terms of public health, greater control over the general population’s access to the substance would be guaranteed.”

Now in 2021, the left-wing formation announces at a press conference that in a few days it will present its new bill to legalize cannabis aimed at regulating its recreational and medicinal use, in addition to seeking to give legal legality to cannabis clubs. We will be waiting to know your proposal.



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