Article: Is Switzerland Considering Cocaine Legalization?

Bern, Switzerland’s capital is considering cocaine legalization and regulating the sale of cocaine for recreational use. This pilot scheme, if implemented, would be the first of its kind in the world.

1. High Cocaine Use

Switzerland has some of the highest cocaine consumption rates in Europe, with Zurich, Basel, and Geneva ranking among the top 10 cities.

2. War on Drugs Failure

Experts argue that the current approach of banning cocaine hasn’t worked. Prices have plummeted, and usage is rising.

3. Safer Market

Proponents believe legalization could bring the cocaine market under government control, ensuring quality and potentially reducing risks associated with illegal drug use.

Experts and policymakers are acknowledging the ineffectiveness of the current “war on drugs” approach. Prices of cocaine have plummeted in recent years, while usage continues to rise. This stark reality has prompted a reevaluation of strategies.

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