Australia – “Cocaine ‘should be available like alcohol’”

There are calls to take a bold step against cocaine in Australia with recent revelations showing the war against it is all but lost.

There are fresh calls to decriminalise and regulate cocaine, like alcohol or tobacco, across Australia, with recent revelations showing the war against the infamous drug is all but lost.

There are fresh calls to decriminalise and regulate cocaine, like alcohol or tobacco, across Australia, with recent revelations showing the war against the infamous drug is all but lost.

New South Wales Greens MP Cate Faehrmann joined Sunrise on Wednesday morning arguing “more and more people are using cocaine” despite immense policing resources dedicated to stopping it.

“We can’t stop people using cocaine. I don’t think it can get any worse,” she told the program, urging the consideration of other options.

We have waged the war against drugs now across the world for 50 years, and there are more people taking drugs than ever before, and more drugs are being produced.

“I’m saying it’s time for another approach. We should have all options on the table.”

Ms Faehrmann argued that legislation, similar to regulations for alcohol and tobacco, could make drugs safer and less profitable for criminals.

“Alcohol was illegal at one point. People were saying, ‘It’s bad for you, it’s dangerous, let’s prohibit alcohol’, we saw what happened; Highly dangerous alcohol was produced,” she said.

“Ideally, it would be great if people didn’t drink because it is a poison and people didn’t smoke cigarettes, but they want to, and we regulate it.

“We should start thinking about it with currently illegal drugs like cocaine.”

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