Australian Federal opposition announces it will seek to overturn ACT’s new laws decriminalising drugs in small amounts

Of course  what would you expect….

Federal politicians are once more trying to override ACT legislation, this time seeking to overturn the decriminalisation of small amounts of some illicit drugs, including cocaine, ice and heroin.

Shadow attorney-general Michaelia Cash has introduced a private senator’s bill – the Australian Capital Territory Dangerous Drugs Bill 2023 – which will be debated next month.

Under the ACT laws, which were passed about a year ago, people found with amounts considered to be “personal possession” — smaller than trafficable quantities — would be subject to fines rather than criminal charges.

Taking effect next month, the legislation will allow police to continue to target dealers and try to disrupt Canberra’s drug trade.

In a statement, federal opposition leader Peter Dutton said the new laws “beggar belief”.

“I am totally shocked and dismayed at what the ACT government is doing,” he said.

“As a former police officer, I know that our hard-working law enforcement agencies work tirelessly to keep drugs off the streets and to keep our community safe, yet here we see this crazy government legislation that gives a green light to drug use and drug importation to Canberra.

“The ACT government is rolling out the red carpet for drug use and more crime. It is effectively welcoming more ice, heroin, cocaine, MDMA and speed on our streets.”


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