BBC Report: UK-New cannabis laws ‘could be stopped outside of Guernsey

Government departments in Guernsey are looking at the possible legalisation of cannabis, but any planned laws could be stopped outside of the bailiwick, a senior politician has said.

Policy & Resources Committee member Deputy Bob Murray said several departments were examining the issue.

But he added any law was not likely to get UK royal assent “at the moment”.

The Committee for Health and Social Care (HSC) confirmed results of scoping work would not be looked at until July.

Deputies are due to decide on States’ priorities in July following calls for a reduction earlier this year.

‘Hurdles encountered’

Politicians agreed in 2022 to investigate the legal status of cannabis.

But Deputy Murray said any new law might not go on the statute books because it still had to go though King Charles III’s advisors.

He said: “One of the hurdles we’ve encountered as we have looked more deeply in cannabis legalisation is getting royal assent in the UK [passed by the King’s Privy Council], which, at the moment, appears very unlikely.”

The benefits and rewards of legalising cannabis would allow the States to do a lot of good, another politician said.

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