After a car chase on Saturday evening, a team of the Antwerp Road Patrol and Surveillance Unit arrested a man with a street value of over €100,000 worth of drugs in his car.
Around 9:15 PM on Saturday, the Antwerp road police wanted to check a Renault Laguna with a Belgian number plate on the E19 motorway.
Initially, the driver of the vehicle indicated to the patrol that he wanted to stop at a safe place, but then proceeded to flee at the A12 motorway interchange. After a car chase of more than 7 kilometres, the car was stopped.
The driver, a Frenchman with no official address in Belgium, turned out to be in possession of 520 grams of heroin, more than 5 kilograms of ketamine, 2500 LSD-trips and 2503 XTC tablets with a total street value exceeding €100,000.
Belgian police arrest driver with €100,000 worth of drugs in his car