Here at CLR this article seems a little behind the 8 ball but there you go….
Here’s their introduction and the article does provide links to the various state bar associations who have provided cannabis guidance..
Bloomberg write
Ethical and legal snags abound for lawyers representing cannabis industry clients in the growing number of states where weed is legal, requiring extra due diligence to ensure compliance, attorneys familiar with the rapidly evolving business tell Bloomberg Law.
The land mine is federal law, which still outlaws pot. This requires attorneys to monitor ethics requirements and regulatory developments even more closely, and to fine tune their antenna about clients as firms consider expanding into the space. Tax, trade, intellectual property, local licensing, employment, and environment law are some areas to watch.
“This is an industry that has been stigmatized and obviously criminalized for many years and there’s a unique history that I think folks who are going to practice in this for a living need to understand,” said Nicole Phillis, a litigator at Davis Wright Tremaine LLP in Los Angeles where much of her practice focuses on cannabis.