Boat intercepted with 200 kilos of hashish in Balearic waters

Smuggler threw five suitcases overboard off Ibiza

The Maritime Service of the Guardia Civil has arrested a 43-year-old Spanish male suspect man on charges of allegedly trafficking and smuggling drugs off Ibiza. The incident too place last Sunday afternoon, when the Guardia Civil received a tip-off about the sighting of a launch that could be transporting drugs.

A search operation was launched involving a Guardia Civil helicopter and two boats from the Provincial Maritime Service. When the spotters located the launch, they watched the only crew member throw several bags overboard when he was aware of the police presence, they were intercepted by the Guardia Civil launches.

The patrol boat ‘Sa Costera’ of the Guardia Civil managed to catch the launch and proceeded to identify it. Another vessel of the Maritime Service moved to the area where the five suitcases had been thrown overboard, recovered them and verified that inside were sealed packages containing hashish with a total weight of 200 kilos.

Once the packages were found to contain narcotic substances, they proceeded to arrest the suspect as the alleged perpetrator of a drug trafficking offence and also seized 1,995 euros in cash he was carrying.

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