Business Insider Publish In Depth Piece On The Oklahoma Kingfisher County Cannabis Farm Murders

The piece also delves into the chaotic politics of OK cannabis. A highly recommended read

he same chaotic, unregulated gold rush that sucked in Barb and Jeremy left four dead in Kingfisher County.

The garage where three men and one woman — all of them Chinese nationals — were killed in November 2022 was unlocked on the January morning when Business Insider visited this year. The saltbox-roofed building was a refuge from zero-degree temperatures and cutting wind.

A heavy, gray metal fence slid open on creaking casters. A dirt path led to the building where the killings occurred — the garage with the hangers and the blood splatter.

A large mobile-home trailer sat just behind the garage. Inside the trailer, a sign on the door was written in Chinese: “Please shut the door behind you.” Clothes were strewn everywhere. In the main room, two refrigerators sat empty, save for some decaying condiment bottles. Dry weed shake lay intermingled with dust on the floor. A hallway adjacent to the main room led to at least six bedrooms with mattresses and Chinese soda and beer cans and cigarette butts on the floor and more shoes and clothing tossed everywhere. In another section of the mobile home, the kitchen was a dusty jumble of pots and pans toppled over in haphazard piles to the floor.

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