Sounds about right to us..
By European cannabis researcher and thought-leader Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli
THERE is much concern over the International Narcotics Control Board’s Cannabis Control Initiative, as reported by BusinessCann earlier this week.
What the INCB suggests poses a serious risk to cannabis as it has neither a mandate, nor expertise whatsoever on cannabis medicines, hemp, hemp products, or cultivation.
There are other organisations that do have expertise in these areas, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Secretariat to the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), who are experts in medicines, foods, plants and crops.
While the INCB’s outcome will be not binding, its guidelines usually set the standard, and, as such, it may be difficult to deviate from the harmonisation that they could contain.
Cannabis Initiative Way Beyond INCB’s Remit
And, as things stand, the basis upon which INCB has started its work of harmonization fails to reflect the full reality of cannabis, which is complex, and not well understood by policy-makers who often lack a comprehensive understanding of the issues at stake: in terms of economics, of health, agriculture, geographic, social and cultural embeds, or in terms of industry and market specificities, etc.
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