The report on reveals..
The Office of County Counsel submitted the measure, for which the board voted 5-0 without comment.
According to Chief Counsel Greg Priamos, the urgency, or interim, ordinance is needed to clarify that all forms of commercial cannabis production are not permitted in the unincorporated areas at this time.
“The unpermitted cultivation of industrial hemp may pose the same threats to the public health, safety or welfare as the unpermitted cultivation of cannabis,” Priamos wrote in an introduction to the ordinance.
“Such urgent and immediate threats include, but are not limited to, an increased likelihood of criminal activity, the attraction of crime and associated violence, a strain on county resources, and a detrimental impact on agriculture within the region resulting from exotic weeds, plant diseases, mites and other insects that are prevalent in industrial hemp,” he wrote.
The county is in the process of developing a comprehensive regulatory framework under which commercial cultivation of marijuana may be allowed. However, those regulations are not expected to be brought forward until this summer, and they’ll likely be subject to approval by voters countywide in November.