California Seeking Applicants For $48M In Marijuana Tax-Funded Community Reinvestment Grants

Marijuana Moment reports

California nonprofits and local health departments can soon apply for an estimated $48 million worth of community reinvestment grants, which are paid for by tax revenue from legal marijuana.

Organizations will be able to request awards of between $600,000 and $3 million to support job placement, legal assistance, treatment of mental health and substance use disorders, referrals to medical care and other services for communities that have been disproportionately affected by the drug war.

Applications for the forthcoming round of California Community Reinvestment Grants (CalCRG) will be accessible through an online portal beginning on Monday.

Half of the $48 million pool is earmarked for smaller community nonprofits that average $5 million or less in annual revenue. The other half will be available to all other community-based nonprofit organizations as well as local health departments.

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California Seeking Applicants For $48M In Marijuana Tax-Funded Community Reinvestment Grants

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