California Wrap: Bureau of Cannabis Control, State, California CPA Update,


Temporary License Extensions

Temporary licenses for retailers, distributors, microbusinesses, testing laboratories and cannabis event organizers that were issued with an effective date of January 1, 2018 will expire on April 30, 2018. Temporary licenses may be extended for 90-day periods if the licensee submits a complete annual license application before the expiration date.

To submit a completed annual license application, you must submit documents as requested for each component of the application. After the Bureau receives your completed application, the Bureau may extend your temporary license. The Bureau will then perform a substantive review of the documents provided as part of the application to determine if all requirements are met. If the Bureau determines that the documentation is insufficient, you will be notified by the Bureau.

No extensions will be granted to temporary licensees who do not submit an annual license application prior to the expiration date on their license. If the temporary license expires, the business will be required to cease operations until an annual license has been issued, as operating a commercial cannabis business without an active state license is a violation of the law.

Live Scan Requirement:

One of the requirements for the annual license application is that Live Scan fingerprinting be completed for each person who qualifies as an “owner” of the business. The ‘Request for Live Scan’ form will be sent to the applicant via email or mail once the annual application has been submitted to the Bureau. The Live Scan form can be taken to any Live Scan operator to have your fingerprints submitted to Department of Justice. The below link provides a list of locations for Live Scan fingerprinting services available to the public.

Accessing the Annual License Application:

The annual license application is available through an online system accessible on our website:

1. Go to

2. Login with your username/email and password.

3. Click the “my records” icon at the top of the screen.

4. A list of record numbers for applications and licenses will appear. (APP is short for application, TEMP is short for temporary license)

5. Locate the application that you submitted for your temporary license.

6. Under the “action” column a green “amendment link” will appear. The amendment link will open the amendment type page.

7. Select the “submit license type attestation” to complete the annual application.

8. After the annual application is submitted, a notification will go out to all owners listed on the application that they need to register online and complete an owner submittal form.

9. The owner submittal form icon is located at the top of the screen and will open the form. To complete the owner submittal form, you must have the annual application record number for the cannabis business for which you are an owner.

Notes: Each temporary application that was issued must have a separate annual application submitted to the Bureau. If you have any questions about this notification or any other requirements, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

For additional resources on how to apply for an annual license, please click the links below: (Video)  (PDF)

For questions about the licensing application: [email protected]



Chart: Breakdown of California marijuana companies that got cease-and-desist letters

Nearly 1,000 individual cannabis businesses have been sent cease-and-desist letters or emails by California regulators during an ongoing enforcement process, a first step in a long effort to ensure the state’s industry is fully regulated and operating like those in more mature markets.

According to a list obtained by Marijuana Business Daily, as of April 4, the California Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) had sent cease-and-desist letters or emails to at least 954 businesses that the agency identified as potentially operating without full legal permission.



here are the important cannabis licensing highlights from around the state.

Today’s Top News

  • West Hollywood, CA is planning to release their final screening application and weighting criteria the week of April 16. Click the link below to see the numbers and types of cannabis licenses planned for release.
  • San Francisco, CA has provided a preliminary checklist for permit applications for 2019. Get a head start by reviewing the requirements at the link.
  • Redding, CA scheduled a public hearing for April 17 at 6:00pm to discuss application and license fees for cannabis businesses.
  • California Cannabis Cultivation Licensing division released their annual cannabis cultivation annual license application. If you have questions about their application requirements, get in touch.

Read all the updates here: Can’t Miss Updates for West Hollywood, San Francisco and Redding!



Title: How Can California’s New Legal Marijuana Market Move Forward?

Author: Cannabis Business Times

Date: 9 April 2018





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