Title Sessions hints at crack down on recreational pot, affecting California, other states
Author: Sacramento Bee
Date: 30 November 2017
URL: http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article187194818.html#storylink=cpy
Extract: Attorney General Jeff Sessions hinted Wednesday that the Justice Department may take a tougher stance on recreational marijuana in the near future, a change in policy that would have a significant impact on the five states that already allow the drug to be sold for more than medicinal purposes.
California is scheduled to join that group on Jan. 1.
California Manufacturers of Edible As you know, the state of California issued emergency regulations on November 16th covering all aspects of commercial cultivation, sales, manufacturing, and distribution of cannabis. Brand & Branch LLP will continue to bring you in-depth information about the regulations affecting labeling, packaging, advertising, any public-facing statements, and trademarks. Here are 8 things edible manufacturers need to know now: 1. 100mg THC limit per package of edibles and 10mg limit per serving. No grace period! 2. You have until July 1, 2018 to use up the inventory you have. (But keep in mind you can’t sell anything after Jan 1 without a temporary license.) 3. You can sell off current, non-compliant inventory but you (or your retailer) must use a sticker that includes the required warnings and certain other information. 4. Any new packaging must include the universal cannabis symbol (no color requirement). 5. All new packaging must be tamper evident and child resistant. If the package contains more than one serving, it must be resealable and must retain its child-resistance upon resealing. 6. Don’t forget about the unique track and trace identifier (when it becomes available). 7. Size matters! Required text on labels must be in 6 pt font. (Some info can go on an insert, but that needs to be in 8 pt font.) 8. And as always––be mindful of those county names in your trademark or anywhere on your packaging. The state is watching and will look for compliance with the rules: 100% of the cannabis in your edible MUST be derived from that county. Questions? We know you have them and 2018 will be here before you know it. Get in touch; we’d love to guide you through this. |
Title With recreational cannabis becoming legal in California, the county decides whether to join in.
Author: Monterey County Now
Date: 29 November 2017
Extract: Once it does, applicants will apply for either an “M” for medicinal, or “A” for adult-use (21 and up only) permit, or both. County planners have issued only three medical permits to date, Senior Planner Craig Spencer says, with upward of 90 pending. It’s not entirely clear what will happen to businesses that applied for medical permits before recreational is available.
Oakland, California Approves Temporary Rules for Adult Use Industry
Title Santa Ana Will Allow Up to 30 Recreational Marijuana Shops
Author: Voice of OC
Date: 29 November 2017
URL: https://voiceofoc.org/2017/11/santa-ana-will-allow-up-to-30-recreational-marijuana-shops/
Extract: Santa Ana is the only known jurisdiction, out of Orange County’s 34 cities, to authorize the sale of recreational marijuana when that option opens up to California communities starting January 1.
Under the city’s new regulations, which received final approval on Nov. 21, all existing legal medical marijuana dispensaries – there are 17 up and running plus three in the approval process – will be able to sell commercial marijuana to people aged 21 and over once the businesses sign new agreements with the city. Permission for retail sales will be granted as long as the city determines the dispensaries have been following existing city regulations, which city staff said generally is the case.
Title San Francisco Approves Recreational Pot Rules, Sales Could Start By Jan. 5
Author: CBS Sacramento
Date: 29 November 2017
URL: https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2017/11/29/san-francisco-recreational-marijuana/
Extract: The San Francisco Board of Supervisors late Tuesday adopted regulations favored by marijuana advocates, rejecting attempts to mandate a larger barrier between schools and pot shops as well as provisions allowing neighborhoods to limit the number of dispensaries or ban them outright.
The rules also could help residents – largely African-Americans and Latinos – who have been disproportionately affected by marijuana-related arrests and convictions.
Title Sausalito halts marijuana sales for next 45 days
Author: Marinij.com News
Date: 29 November 2017
URL: http://www.marinij.com/article/NO/20171129/NEWS/171129786
Extract: The Sausalito City Council has approved a 45-day urgency ordinance to halt all commercial activities involving marijuana in anticipation of legal sales in California beginning Jan. 1.
The council will then revisit the issue in mid-January to either extend the urgency law, or enact more permanent zoning laws relating to marijuana. The urgency ordinance prevents a dispensary from opening in the city and prohibits the delivery or sale of recreational marijuana and sale of medical marijuana. But it does allow the delivery of medical marijuana.
“It’s a moving landscape,” said Mayor Ray Withy, noting the emergency ordinance — approved Tuesday night on a unanimous vote — buys the city time. “The state is still writing regulations on the delivery of marijuana for recreational use.”