California Wrap: General, State, Modesto, San Bernardino


Title:  Pot Legalization Is Transforming California’s Criminal Justice Landscape. Here’s How.

Author: Mother Jones

Date: 27 December 2017


Extract: But bigger changes kick in on January 1. That’s when California joins Alaska, Colorado, DC, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington as the sixth state to begin licensing local businesses to sell pot to anyone 21 and up—also the legal age for tobacco and alcohol products. (Massachusetts will join that club next July.) Taxing marijuana products has brought Colorado hundreds of millions of dollars in new revenues, about half of which goes toward K-12 education. California officials expect an even bigger tax windfall.


Title: Federal agents can still seize marijuana at California checkpoints despite legalization

Author: LA Times

Date: 27 December 2017


Extract:  California legalizes marijuana for recreational use Monday, but that won’t stop federal agents from seizing the drug — even in tiny amounts — on busy freeways and backcountry highways.

Marijuana possession still will be prohibited at eight Border Patrol checkpoints in California, a reminder that state and federal laws collide when it comes to pot. The U.S. government classifies marijuana as a controlled substance, like heroin and LSD.



Title: New California Traffic-Related Laws Taking Effect in 2018 Include Marijuana Regulations, Vehicle Tax


Date: 26 December 2017


Extract: A slew of new laws pertaining to traffic and highway safety that were passed by the state legislature this year are set to go into effect in the coming year. California will usher in 2018 with some new laws pertaining to a variety of motorist and pedestrian issues, including marijuana consumption, crossing signals and parking.



Title: Modesto poised to move ahead with marijuana permits






Title: Residents frustrated with San Bernardino’s ‘negligence’ on marijuana regulation


Date: 27 December 2017


Extract: Last week San Bernardino city officials decided to place a 45-day moratorium on marijuana usage as they anticipate a court decision on the validity of Measure O.

By passing an emergency ordinance, the City Council and staff have provided themselves with more time to implement citywide policy that takes into account the measure and look into recommendations made by the Citizens Advisory Committee on Marijuana.

Despite some community members expressing pleasure with the decision, a large number of residents believe city officials are being “negligent” in the handling of cannabis regulation.


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