Canada: 26 drivers suspended for THC at North Battleford checkstops

Police stopped 500 drivers in North Battleford last weekend, and 26 of them picked up licence suspensions after testing positive for THC.
According to the RCMP, police from several agencies held a three-day traffic blitz in and around the city between Oct. 19 and last Saturday.
In addition to the 26 drivers who failed the THC test – which were done using approved screening devices, the RCMP noted – police also handed out eight licence suspensions for alcohol, three charges for open alcohol and one charge for having cannabis in a vehicle, and found one driver with an existing licence suspension.
“Over the weekend, officers issued 34 roadside suspensions – 26 related to cannabis use and eight related to alcohol,” the RCMP said in a statement.
A grand total of 32 vehicles were impounded during the traffic blitz.
The RCMP said police also handed out 173 tickets for offences like speeding, distracted driving, or failing to wear a seatbelt.
Officers also found 11 invalid registrations, and issued 244 warnings.
That means 49 per cent of all drivers who passed through the checkstops picked up a warning from police, and 35 per cent ended up with a ticket.
The RCMP said warnings were handed out for issues like burnt-out headlights and cracked windshields.
Staff Sgt. Kevin Williamson, with Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan, said drivers might not fully understand the effects of THC.
“Cannabis remains in your body for a long time,” Williamson said in a statement.
“For perspective, when considering whether it’s safe for you to operate a vehicle or not, when inhaled, cannabis effects can begin immediately and last several hours. When ingested, cannabis effects can last even longer. When deciding whether to get behind the wheel, always make sure that if you have used cannabis or any THC products you choose other options for a safe ride to your destination.”

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