Canadian Universities Take Different Approached To Regulated Cannabis on Campus

The Canadian Broadcasting Corp reports

Students returning to Ottawa’s colleges and universities this fall could find that their ability to smoke recreational marijuana on campus may depend on which school they attend.

Ontario will allow anyone over the age of 19 to purchase cannabis once it becomes legal next month, but the provincial government has banned its use in public, restricting anyone who wants to smoke to private homes.

But that won’t necessarily include university residences.

“In residence, students won’t be allowed to possess marijuana,” said David Oladejo, president of the Carleton University Students Association.

Oladejo said the university is still finalizing its policies around marijuana, which are set to be released by the end of the month.

But one thing is clear: recreational cannabis won’t get the same treatment as tobacco.

“Right now, there won’t be designated smoking zones on campus like we have for cigarettes,” he said.

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