Cannabis In Florida: A Legal Guide

For decades the plant that possesses many medicinal qualities known as cannabis has been illegal all around the world. This natural form of plant life, that grows upon our planet originally homed in the country of India, has been a substance people everywhere have sought after for many years, both for its recreational and therapeutic properties. Cannabis, also known as marijuana amongst many other names is evident to be a natural, effective remedy and pain reliever for many physical and mental health conditions, including many severe and life-limiting illnesses.



Medicinal Marijuana Has Now Become Legal in Florida

It is only up until recently that cannabis has now become legal for medicinal purposes in many states including that of the state of Florida. The people who inhabit the sunshine state who suffer from many severe and chronic illnesses can now make a visit to their doctor and acquire a prescription if qualified, to use this natural derivative from the earth to treat their medical condition. Cannabis, the substance that is situated within the family of depressant drugs, works its powers to slow down the central nervous system’s activity and delay messages that travel between the body and a person’s brain, making it a success in aiding many severe and painful health conditions.

With cannabis possessing so many medical, remedial, and pain healing properties, it is no wonder that people all around the globe turn to this herbal remedy, legally or not in times of extreme turmoil and desperation. People now living in the state of Florida, who suffer from severe illnesses that cause them excruciating pain on a daily basis, are wondering just how they can come into possession of this miraculous, effective pain reliever to aid them in treating their chronic conditions. Well… people of Florida seek no further, as here I give you a guide explaining the legalities around cannabis and how you can come into possession of medical marijuana, to help you through your agonizing health issues!

Do You Qualify For a Medical Marijuana Card?

First of all, to qualify for a medical marijuana card you must be a legal resident of Florida and you also must have a medical condition that declares you eligible for medicinal treatment. You must have received a positive medical diagnosis for one of the authorized medical conditions. After that, it is essential that you carefully consider if medical marijuana would be the best treatment option for you, do the relevant research and homework to help you come to a decision.

Consult Doctors Who Specialize in Medical Marijuana

After carefully considering whether the treatment could be the right one for you and making the decision that it may be the ideal option, it is then time to seek out a doctor, a licensed health care professional who specializes within the medical marijuana field. Think about searching for Florida marijuana doctors near me and make an appointment to discuss future treatment. After a consultation and moving ahead, a medical healthcare professional will then aid you in attaining a medical marijuana card, by obtaining this card you will then be placed on a statewide database, the compassionate of use registry. This database is used as a record, listing every medicinal cannabis user in the state.

Where Can I Safely Purchase Medicinal Marijuana?

After obtaining the relevant card you will then be able to procure marijuana from a licensed MMTC dispensary. The medical card must be produced when making a purchase at an approved dispensary, this is important because the card provides you with the verification that you are on record and will save you from any unnecessary brushes with the law. 

The Laws Around Cannabis In Florida

Now cannabis is only legal within the sunshine state if you are the owner of a medical marijuana card, this specific card authorizes the individual to be able to use cannabis for medicinal purposes. Being found in possession of marijuana without this given card is illegal and remains a criminal offense, as the user will be considered solely as a recreational user. Even if the individual states they are using the drug for medicinal purposes, this is still against the law.

The Penalties and Consequences Of Using Cannabis Illegally

The penalties of being found in possession of cannabis can be extremely severe, without the relevant medical card it is an offense and can result in many consequences and penalties that can even include a long spell in prison and could be any time frame up to 30 years. Also, it is important when using cannabis for medicinal purposes to be aware that there are still restrictions in place. Users are not allowed to smoke the substance in public or whilst traveling on private or public transport, also they must abstain from not driving vehicles whilst smoking or immediately after. The only place where the consumption of cannabis is permitted is within a private residence.



Yes, cannabis is a drug, that is extremely well-known for its effective and miraculous properties when it comes to treating many painful, severe mental and physical health conditions that affect a person’s quality of life. It can turn out to be the ideal and successful way to manage that pain by offering up its magnificent pain eliminating and therapeutic qualities. However, to obtain marijuana without abiding by the law is still a criminal offense, so it is crucial that if you are considering trying cannabis to help you with your existing medical condition, to acquire it legally and visit your doctor to find out if you are a suitable candidate to receive a medical card, that will allow you to purchase cannabis the moral and legal way. By acquiring it through the correct and moral channels you can ensure you are getting the essential, correct guidance needed when introducing a new treatment to any current medications, which can avoid any unforeseen and unpleasant counteractions. You will also obtain the much-needed support that a healthcare professional will provide and will be saving yourself from getting into any unnecessary, unwanted trouble with the law.

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