Sensibly so as infection rates rocket throughout the USA
During the COVID-19 crisis, our lawyers and support staff have been diligently working from home to best serve our clients. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), our workplace office environment is identified as a Low Exposure Risk Classification (the lowest of four classes).
Therefore, we are excited to announce that we are able to return to our Royal Oak office this upcoming Monday, June 29th!
We will be adhering to strict visitor guidelines to best protect our staff and clients, such as:
- All visitors must use the main entrance.
- All visitors shall wear a mask while on the premises. Disposable face coverings shall be made available to all visitors upon entry. Visitors shall be notified in advance that masks are required and available for distribution upon arrival.
- When a visitor is present, all employees that will come within ten feet of the visitor(s) shall wear a face covering.
- A sign shall be posted on the visitor entry door that the use of face coverings are mandatory.
- Non-essential visits shall be suspended. There have been potential clients who have requested in person visits which, in general, will be classified as essential and therefore permitted. Otherwise, visitors will be encouraged to replace their visit with a ZOOM meeting or phone call.
- Visitors shall meet with the designated employee in the large conference room. The large conference room shall have seats assigned for visitors and employees that ensure a distance of at least six feet.
It is our intent to ensure the health, welfare and safety of all employees, clients, prospective clients and visitors while in the office. With your cooperation, we can create a safe and healthy environment for everyone.