Looks for like it’s going to be more Sydney – Hobart that cruising around the Whitsundays
So much for the Prohibtion Partners report that cannabis media and others on social media and linked in have been bleating in unison about Australia being the great hope for medical cannabis market growth.
If Montu, the poster boys for medical cannabis in Australia, are erring on the side of caution I would suggest the recently published analysis of the Australian market by Prohibition Partners is, shall we say, somewhat optimistic.
This sort of thing in Business of Cannabis which, by the way is owned by Prohibition Partners
Australia’s Medical Cannabis Market Set to Outgrow Europe’s Biggest Players
Their report here.
According to the Cannabiz report Montu are being somewhat more realistic and quite rightly highlighting “a shifting regulatory landscape”
Read full report at (paywall)
Revenue climbs but growth slows as Montu cites ‘ongoing headwinds’