Career Racist Australian Politician, Pauline Hanson, Says You Can Have Medical Cannabis But “What is a recreational drug? I don’t believe that word recreational. You play sports, you play squash, you play tennis, you play swimming. You know, these are recreational. You know, smoking marijuana is not.”

Leader of the repulsive One Nation party and Australian Senator ( yes they vote out and out racists into the national senate in Australia) is now an expert on cannabis and yes of course she wants medicinal cannabis but adult use is a no no because apparently as she told Sky News…..


No, I wouldn’t Paul. I believe in medicinal cannabis for health reasons. I don’t believe in legalising marijuana. I think the impact that it can have on a person’s health and their state can affect their driving, their working, and, you know, they talk about recreational drug[s]…What is a recreational drug? I don’t believe that word recreational. You play sports, you play squash, you play tennis, you play swimming. You know, these are recreational. You know, smoking marijuana is not.


She also repeated a couple more standard tropes before wandering off to her next ill-informed media appearance


I’ve heard different things that people say, it can have an affect on men with their sperm count and having kids later on. It does affect the mental stability of people. And I just don’t think that we need to have marijuana legalised.



Pondering Pot are a little more polite than us if you like to read reasoned replies to her plainly stupid comments.

Australian party leader Pauline Hanson says ‘smoking marijuana’ cannot be recreational


If you haven’t come across Hanson before here are a few examples of the sort of stuff she does. Essentially it is a national shame that she sits in any legislature and that the Australian Liberal party ( Republicans) made a sharp turn to the right in the last 15 years to capture all her voters.


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