CBD Oil for Dogs – Treating A Few Conditions

 A substantial compound found in the hemp plant that has been used for the past few years to treat many ailments, not only in humans but also in animals, is CBD. This extract is derived from the plant, using various extraction methods, click here to find out more about the process of extraction used.

The opportunities for treating different health conditions are endless and scientists are doing continuous research to find more. So far, when it comes to our pets i.e. dogs, cats, and horses, there has been significant progress in research and findings to do with treating dogs ailments. We look at a few below.


CBD Oil for Dogs – Health Problems Resolved

No formals study has been done using the substance on dogs, however, scientists do know how it works within the canine’s system. The cannabinoids interact with a system similar to us humans and are known as the ‘endocannabinoid system’, which has various receptors that are responsible for maintaining the full functionality of the body.

It is the same with our dogs and cats. This interaction is what keeps the body performing at its best, and when CBD oil is introduced to it, it acts as a catalyst in enhancing these tasks that the receptors are responsible for.

So, what can it do for them in terms of their health? We look at a few things.


Joint Problems

As our furry friends get older, they often start to have issues with their bones and joints. When their diet is not optimal or they don’t get enough exercise, many negative things can affect their bodies.

Introducing CBD oil to their diet may help as an anti-inflammatory aid. Most vets prescribe NSAIDS for pooches that have joint or immobility problems, sometimes these can have side-effects such as vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, lethargy, and more. This article can highlight everything about this: https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/product-safety-information/veterinary-non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory-drugs-nsaids#

This is why the majority of pet owners prefer the natural way via the use of CBD. This can help alleviate joint problems and symptoms associated with it such as pain and inflammation, without the risk of negative side-effects.


Dogs with Epilepsy

Epilepsy and seizures can affect many dogs, due to genetic disposition or past abuse and it can be disheartening to see them suffer this way. Studies show that approximately over 5% of canines suffer from either of these two health conditions. They can lead to a third issue commonly known as anxiety, which we will discuss below.

When researchers in the USA studied CBD in connection with epilepsy, they found over 85% of their symptoms significantly reduced. This was also trialed on humans and 7 out of the 8 patients put on the clinical trial had the same improvements and only within a short time of 5 months. So, when you consider that CBD reduces the frequency of seizures related to this condition, it’s no wonder every owner wants a piece of it.


Treating Anxiety

This is also another common condition in animals. Caused by many things such as genetics, or personal experiences. Some dogs suffer from noise phobia, fear, aggression, or separation anxiety when they are left alone at home.

Cannabis oil can help with this too. It helps to relax them and calm them down. Because this plant substance does not have any risky side effects that we know of, it has also been introduced to dogs that get anxious or suffer from anxiety attacks.

It can work within 20 minutes to bring them relief and if given to them over several weeks or up to 3 months, you may find a difference in their behavior where they, for instance, don’t get scared as easily or feel lonely when you pop out of the home.

The research done on it show that it can help regulate serotonin, which is the ‘happy’ hormone in their bodies. This hormone plays an important part in balancing mood and elevating feelings of happiness and well-being. It is a hormone that impacts the entire mind and body, so to have something that does this for the four-legged creatures is a definite winner in our books.


Dogs That Have Allergies

Even things such as allergies can benefit from CBD. Many types of dogs suffer from skin conditions or allergies of all sorts, some are curable using medication with no side-effects however some aren’t and can become an issue if worsened. After all, you can’t tell your dog not to scratch himself.

The plant can help bring relief to dry and itchy skin and also promote the growth of new cells. When given internally to help with his allergies, the drops are the best. it can also be used externally directly on its skin and applied to any affected areas to bring a soothing feeling.


Choosing The Best Quality CBD

Now that you are aware of some of the things it can help with, let’s take a quick look at how to choose the right one.

  • Look for a broad-spectrum oil or a full spectrum one.
  • Make sure the manufacturer uses CO2 extraction methods.
  • Look for a certificate of Analysis on the supplier’s website.
  • THC levels must be below 0.3%
  • Make sure what you get (if ordering online) is exactly what you bought.
  • Look for third-party test results on their website.
  • Make sure the ingredients have no contaminants or artificial fillers.

If you don’t understand what’s inside of the bottle, first do your research and be fully satisfied that it’s safe, and then buy it.

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