CBD Oil vs. Gabapentin for Nerve Pain: Which Works Better?



Nerve pain, commonly known as neuropathic pain, is a condition that significantly challenges one’s quality of life. Managing it involves targeting the underlying causes and employing strategies that provide relief and enhance daily living.

Currently, two popular choices for managing nerve pain are CBD oil and gabapentin. In this blog, we will shed light on the management of nerve pain and dissect CBD oil vs Gabapentin for nerve pain as potential remedies.


Understanding the Nerve Pain

Nerve pain arises from damage to or abnormalities in the nervous system, causing wayward signals to be transmitted to the brain.

It can result from various conditions, such as diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, shingles, and nerve compression, and causes the following symptoms:

  • Shooting pain
  • Burning sensations
  • Tingling
  • Numbness 


Unlike other kinds of pain that arise from tissues like bones or muscles, nerve pain arises from the nerves themselves. It can be difficult to treat and may require a combination of therapies, medications, and lifestyle changes.

Managing nerve pain often involves addressing the underlying cause, relieving symptoms, and enhancing the quality of life. Consulting a healthcare provider is important for proper diagnosis and treatment.


What is CBD and How Can It Help With Nerve Pain?

CBD is one of the several active compounds found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, it does not induce psychoactive effects in the user.

CBD interacts with the ECS (endocannabinoid system) in the body, which plays a role in regulating mood, pain, and other physiological functions.

It has also shown positive results for supporting foot pain, discomfort, inflammation, sleep, recovery, and more.

Here are some reasons why CBD for nerve pain is effective:

Analgesic properties

CBD is widely popular for its potential analgesic qualities as it relates to inflammation and pain. Studies show that it can interact with ECS receptors, relieving inflammation and alleviating pain.

Anti-inflammatory Effects 

Nerve pain involves inflammation of the affected nerves. By working with the ECS, CBD may reduce swelling and relieve the pain associated with nerve inflammation.

Neuroprotective effects

Research shows that CBD may possess neuroprotective effects, meaning it can protect and support the health of nerve cells. This quality can be beneficial in nerve damage or neuropathy, as it can aid in the repair and regeneration of damaged nerves.

Minimal Side Effects 

This is one of the biggest plus points of CBD. As it is present so abundantly in nature, CBD is usually well-tolerated by most users. 

Side effects are mild and can include dry mouth, drowsiness, or appetite changes. As compared to conventional pharmaceuticals, CBD has less severe and fewer side effects.


What is Gabapentin and How Can It Help with Nerve Pain?

Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant medicine that was initially developed to treat epilepsy. It’s prescribed to treat various kinds of nerve pain and works by modulating the activity of certain ion channels and neurotransmitters in the nervous system, which can reduce the perception and transmission of pain signals.

Along With nerve pain, it is effective in managing several other medical conditions such as restless legs syndrome, neuropathic pain, and seizures.

Gabapentin is available in both generic and brand-name formulations and has become widely popular due to its efficacy and lower risk of abuse.

Neural Regulation

Gabapentin’s primary mechanism of action involves working with calcium channels in the brain and modulating them to control nerve pain signals and alleviate discomfort.

Effective for Neuropathic Pain

Gabapentin is widely preferred for chronic neuropathic conditions such as postherpetic neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy. Its efficacy in managing nerve pain has been proven in several clinical trials.

Modulation of neurotransmitter release

Gabapentin may also modulate the release of other neurotransmitters involved in pain signalling, such as norepinephrine and substance P, which can contribute to its analgesic effects.

Central sensitization reduction

Neuropathic pain is often accompanied by central sensitization, where the central nervous system gets sensitive to the signals of the pain. Gabapentin may reduce this and make the body less responsive to pain stimuli.

Potential Side Effects

While gabapentin is clinical for nerve pain relief, it may have its set of side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, and difficulty in concentrating. In some cases, users may also struggle with mood changes and weight gain.


CBD Oil vs. Gabapentin: What Are Differences?

When we talk about CBD oil vs gabapentin for nerve pain, there’s a variety of similarities and differences. While they both can give you the results you are looking for, it’s crucial to talk to your doctor before coming to a conclusion.

Mechanism of Action

CBD oil targets the ECS, whereas gabapentin interacts with calcium channels in the brain. While both have shown efficacy in managing nerve pain, they both operate differently.

Side Effects

CBD has milder and lesser side effects as compared to gabapentin. However, individual responses to CBD may vary, and some users may go through adverse effects.

Prescription Requirements

Gabapentin is a prescription medicine and requires approval from a healthcare professional. In contrast, CBD products are available in several places like gas stations, grocery stores, wellness shops, online etc.

Legal Status

CBD, when extracted from hemp, is considered legal, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. However, the legal status of CBD oil differs from country to country and region to region. 


Some regions have special regulations for CBD products, making it important to understand local laws before buying or using CBD for nerve pain.

Drug Interactions

Both CBD and gabapentin may work with other medicines. It’s important to consult a healthcare expert before mixing any treatments to stay clear of any potential adverse reactions.

Chemical Structure

CBD is a phytocannabinoid with a chemical structure of 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms (C21H30O2) whereas gabapentin’s molecular formula is C9H17NO2, having 9 carbon atoms, 17 hydrogen atoms, 1 nitrogen atom, and 2 oxygen atoms.

Route of Administration

CBD can be taken in various different ways such as oral (tinctures, capsules, edibles), sublingual (under the tongue), and topical (creams, ointments) whereas gabapentin is mainly administered orally in the form of capsules or tablets, not topically or through inhalation.

Metabolic Pathway

CBD is metabolized mainly by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system in the liver, specifically the CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 enzymes whereas gabapentin is not metabolized by the liver and is thrown out of the body through the kidneys without undergoing significant metabolism.


Which Is Better for Nerve Pain CBD or Gabapentin?

When it comes to managing nerve pain both gabapentin and CBD are great options to consider. CBD, made from the cannabis plant, is popular for its natural qualities that may ease discomfort.

It works by working with the body’s ECS (endocannabinoid system), which plays a crucial role in pain sensation.

On the other hand, gabapentin is a medicine advised by doctors especially for nerve pain. It works by calming hyperactive nerve signals in the brain.

While both gabapentin and CBD have shown potential in managing nerve pain, they have different mechanisms of working and potential side effects. CBD is usually well-tolerated, with few side effects such as dry mouth or drowsiness.

Gabapentin, on the other hand, may cause side effects such as drowsiness or dizziness, especially when beginning or adjusting the dosage.

Ultimately, the choice between gabapentin and CBD depends on individual preferences, health status, and the suggestion of a healthcare professional. It’s important to measure the risks and benefits of each option before coming to a conclusion.


CBD Oil vs. Gabapentin for Nerve Pain: Conclusion

While research is still in progress, CBD for nerve pain seems to show a lot of promise in its management. However, in this debate of CBD oil vs. Gabapentin for nerve pain, no one is better than the other. Both have their potential advantages and drawbacks. 

CBD oil may be preferred by those who are looking for a more organic approach with minimal side effects, while gabapentin offers better efficacy but may have significant side effects.

At last, the choice between the two will boil down to individual preferences, health status, and the recommendation of your healthcare professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you take CBD with gabapentin for nerve pain?

Mixing CBD and gabapentin is usually not advised without talking to a healthcare professional due to potential interactions and the risk of drowsiness.

Which is better for nerve pain CBD or THC?

CBD is usually preferred over THC for nerve pain as it provides potential relief without any psychoactive effects associated with THC, CBD works with the body’s endocannabinoid system to manage discomfort.

Do CBD Gummies Help with  Nerve Pain?

CBD gummies may alleviate nerve pain for some individuals due to their potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. However, results vary, and consulting a healthcare professional is advisable for personalized guidance.

Can you smoke gabapentin for nerve pain?

No, you shouldn’t smoke gabapentin for nerve pain as it’s a medicine made to be consumed orally. Smoking gabapentin can be ineffective and even harmful.

Is CBD natural substitute for gabapentin?

Yes, CBD is a natural substitute for gabapentin which some people use for nerve pain. While it is important to note that both may help to manage discomfort.

Does CBD help nerve pain from shingles?

Yes CBD may provide relief from nerve pain from shingles by working with the body’s endocannabinoid system. However, individual responses are different, and it’s important to talk to a healthcare professional for expert advice.

Can I give my dog CBD along with gabapentin?

No, it is not recommended to give your dog CBD and gabapentin together because of the increased risk of over-sedation.

What is better for nerve pain, gabapentin or weed?

Both cannabis (weed) and gabapentin may offer relief for nerve pain, but they have different legal statuses and effects. Gabapentin is a prescription medicine, while weed’s effectiveness and legality vary. Talking to a healthcare professional is important.


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