CBD Vape Oil versus Tincture
Today, you cannot have a discussion about alternative health remedies or dietary supplements without hearing about cannabidiol. Better known as CBD, cannabidiol has soared to incredible popularity thanks to the landmark 2018 Farm Bill. Under this law, industrial hemp and hemp-derived products – including CBD – are now considered legal under the federal purview. You can learn more about the use of CBD on thesite.org
Because of this one piece of legislation, the CBD industry exploded to unprecedented heights. Now, cannabis-based solutions are not exclusive to niche botanical connoisseurs. Instead, the sector has opened up to several interested parties, including those who have never tried cannabis-infused products.
Much of the popularity and adoption of CBD also has to do with product and platform diversity. For instance, with CBD edibles such as cannabidiol-infused gummies, anybody with a modicum of interest toward naturally sourced solutions can try cannabis without a hint of stigma or even a learning curve.
And among the most sought-after CBD products are tinctures or CBD oils. These potent CBD extracts are designed for sublingual (underneath the tongue) use, making them an effective and discreet platform to enjoy cannabis-infused therapies.
Still, a confusing aspect of tinctures is their remarkable similarity to another platform, CBD vape oils. While both look the same and are produced under similar processes, the CBD vape oil is far different from a tincture. Here are several reasons why you shouldn’t confuse the two:
Vape Oils and CBD Oils (Tinctures) Feature Different Ingredients
At first glance, you’ll discern no difference between CBD vape oils and CBD oils or tinctures. Both feature a potent dosage of cannabidiol in liquid form. And to make matters even more complicated, manufacturers use almost identical packaging for vape oils and “regular” oils.
Since tinctures (CBD oils) are designed for sublingual use, their packaging bottles integrate a top cap that also doubles as a dripper. Here, the end-user opens their tincture, squeezes in an amount of cannabidiol-infused oil, and then drips the liquid underneath their tongue. Obviously, the top-cap dripper is a critical component of the packaging.
However, CBD vape oils also feature the same product packaging design. In this case, the vaper uses the top cap dripper to drip cannabidiol-infused e-liquid into their vaporizer in a controlled manner. Thus, for the vaping enthusiast, the packaging element is also very important.
Despite the packaging similarities, CBD vape oils and tinctures incorporate wildly dissimilar ingredients. Although both utilize a carrier oil – such as hemp oil, coconut oil, or other carrier liquid – the shared characteristics end there.
What makes tinctures so distinct is that they are designed purely for consumption (or integration into food or beverages). Thus, the materials used are optimally engineered for quick and effective penetration into the end-user’s bloodstream.
On the other hand, vape oils – as the name suggests – are conceived for vaping. In this regard, vape oils are no different from standard vaping e-liquids: these contain a balanced ratio between vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG). Moreover, the character of this ratio greatly impacts vaping session quality.
The only main difference between CBD vape oils and standard e-liquids is the flavoring. The latter typically incorporates a desirable flavor profile – such as strawberry blend or dessert specials – while the former utilizes cannabidiol.
Since the two platforms are chemically different, botanical enthusiasts should not consume CBD vape oil as tinctures, nor should you vaporize tinctures.
But What Happens If You Use Vape Oils and Tinctures Inappropriately?
For those that are thinking about vaping tinctures or consuming vape oils, we advise you to cease this line of thinking. When using CBD or any product for that matter, always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and heed their warnings.
If we haven’t made it clear enough, we’ll stress it again: do not vape tinctures (CBD oils) and do not consume vape oils (or any e-liquids).
Of course, deep down, many folks have a morbidly curious mind: what would happen if you disobeyed the manufacturer’s warnings?
Let’s start with the ill-advised consumption of CBD vape oils. Because of the PG/VG content, you’ll probably feel indescribably sick and nauseas within minutes. Additionally, you’ll likely excite your execratory system to an extreme magnitude, resulting you sitting on a porcelain throne for extended periods of time.
Doesn’t sound like anybody’s idea of a good time.
On the other hand, vaping tinctures may appeal to some folks because of the implied economic value: you can get two separate functions out of one product. However, because tinctures are designed for consumption in very small dosages, they do not have the required PG/VG ratio to accommodate vaping.
On a lesser concern, you can damage your vape device, which is engineered specifically to vaporize the unique density and textures inherent in CBD vape oils. At best, you’ll have to clean out your device to get it working properly again. At worst, you may catalyze an unexpected reaction, endangering people and property.
However, the greater threat is a condition known as lipid pneumonia. When a tincture’s typical carrier oil medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) is vaporized, it could denature lipoids (fat molecules), causing inflammation in the body. This can result in fevers and breathing difficulties, if you’re lucky.
If you’re not, you can end up with hemoptysis, the clinical term for coughing up blood.
Again, this isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time. Moreover, it’s just not worth the risk.
Rules Are Your Friends…and Your Buddies’ Too!
The botanical industry lends itself to experimentation and free expression. While this inclination is natural and understandable, it must be practiced within certain limitations. And what exactly are those limitations?
Read the manufacturer’s label prior to consuming or using CBD products. That goes for CBD vape oils, tinctures or even something innocuous as creams and other topicals. Since CBD responds differently to individuals, you should defer to expert advice.
They’re trying to help you, not be a killjoy.
Moreover, the ongoing vaping crisis and its resultant draconian measures have taught the adult liberties industry one critical lesson: experimenting beyond the boundaries of regulations and good common sense can result in penalties for everyone involved.
Therefore, the best way to avoid bringing the CBD industry into disrepute is to abide by regulations and manufacturers’ guidance. You’re not just helping yourself but also others who may benefit from CBD.