CDA Health Online CBD Registration Sets Cat Amongst The Pigeons

Good to see somebody upsetting the apple cart in Australia. One whisper of a different approach and it has all the entrenched players throwing a bit of a hissy fit.

We’ve got Mr Crock  who of  course is very concerned according to Cannabiz Australia because his company isn’t smart enough to challenge the status quo.

BTW the way he doesn’t have to worry about the industry’s reputation it is a laughing stock already.

Just in case he wasn’t aware.

Medicinal Cannabis Industry Australia (MCIA) chair Peter Crock told Cannabiz: “This kind of behaviour is of great concern to the MCIA as it could put the industry’s reputation at risk.

Lawyer Dr Teresa Nicoletti says

“The arrangements set out by CDA Express appear to subvert or undermine the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and, on their face, breach therapeutic goods laws and guidelines, and medical and ethical codes of practice. The board is currently reviewing the situation, and is in discussions with CDA Health as a member of AMCA.”

Cannabiz also reports .….Vice President of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians Australian Chapter (SCCAC) Dr Joel Wren agreed the platform could isolate patients if they retreat from the conventional healthcare framework.

“Many patients I’ve seen don’t have a regular GP in the first place, so what will happen to ensure any follow-up occurs?” he asked.

GP Jamie Rickcord, founder and director of Byron Bay-based Ananda Clinics, said attempts to speed up access could rebound on an industry still battling its way out of prohibition.

We tend to agree with both practitioners but let’s be honest ,  patients can’t access either CBD or medical cannabis and if they do it takes forever and costs a fortune.

We’d suggest that the government(s), private sector  &  TGA axis is currently proving to be useless for patients in the main so a company like CDA express pushing the boundries is probably the best way to get all these other parties to get off their arses and do what they are meant to do serve the medical cannabis patients.

Read the full article at 

Industry leaders round on online ordering service CDA Express

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