SACRAMENTO, March 17, 2023 – The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Pest Exclusion Branch is announcing thirteen (13) vacancies on the Industrial Hemp Advisory Board (IHAB).

The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Industrial Hemp Advisory Board was established by the California Industrial Hemp Farming Act (AB 566 – 2013). The Board is composed of thirteen (13) members and the term of office for Board members is three years, as outlined in Food and Agricultural Code Section 81001. The current terms for all thirteen members expire on May 31, 2023.

The Industrial Hemp Advisory Board makes recommendations to the CDFA Secretary on all matters pertaining to industrial hemp law and regulations, enforcement, annual budgets, and the setting of an assessment rate required to accomplish the purposes of the California Industrial Hemp Law. Members meet at least once per year, but may meet more frequently if needed. The members receive no compensation but are entitled to payment of necessary traveling expenses in accordance with the rules of the California Department of Human Resources.

The Board has the following upcoming vacancies:

Six (6) of the board members shall be those who intend to register as growers of industrial hemp. Each of these members shall be a representative of at least one of the following functions: seed production, seed conditioning, marketing, and/or seed utilization.
Two (2) board members shall be members of an established agricultural research institution (as defined in FAC § 81000).
One (1) board member shall be a representative of the California State Sheriff’s Association.
One (1) board member shall be a county agricultural commissioner.
Two (2) board member shall be a representative of businesses that sell industrial hemp products.
One (1) board member shall be a member of the public.

The successful candidates will be appointed to serve a term from June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2026.

Individuals interested in being considered for this Board appointment should send a letter of interest and a brief resumé to the Industrial Hemp Program by Monday April 19, 2023, by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to:

California Department of Food and Agriculture
Pest Exclusion Branch
1220 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Attention: Industrial Hemp Program

For additional information, visit the Industrial Hemp Program webpage at:, contact the Program at (916) 654-0435, or send an email to [email protected].

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