Celebrity Chef Prue Leith says she had nightmares for decades after taking LSD

The experience is still affecting her shirt choice though !!

You’ll have to excuse the over dramatisation of the report it is from the world of Rupert Murdoch & UK tabloid press….


BAKE Off judge Prue Leith has opened up about the “horror” of LSD — and how it gave her nightmares for four decades.

The South African-born chef, 80, said she took the mind-bending chemical just once in her twenties.

She told how she suffered horrific hallucinations with her first husband, writer Rayne Kruger, who was 18 years her senior.

Prue said: “It was the Sixties, there was a lot of drugs around. We used to smoke a bit of pot, not all the time and not a lot, but we did.

“And one day, we did take acid, only once, and I must tell you, it was the most appalling experience I’ve ever had.

“I had absolute horrific hallucinations. I couldn’t look at him because he turned into a kind of monster, and my arms, the flesh dripped off them. There was just bones left.

“It just shows what an extraordinary imagination I must have.”

Prue says it also gave her years of night terrors.

In an LBC interview with Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson, 41, tonight at 9pm, she says: “I’d have nightmares. And when I woke up, nothing would look like I knew it ought to look.

“It would be wobbly or strange or growing and sinking and shrinking and expanding. And right until my, I suppose, sixties, I would still sometimes wake up in the night and I felt I could see the air, you know?

Source:  https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/12778092/prue-leith-drug-nightmares-lsd-bake-off/

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