CFN: What is the Most Vital Part of an Effective Psychedelic Treatment?

Millions of people have had a psychedelic experience at some point in their life and with new FDA approved medicines and regulatory changes millions more will soon be able to as well. However, without support, it can be challenging to understand and integrate these experiences.

Psychedelic substances are not magic bullets, they are only one tool in the toolbelt of transformational healing and expansion of consciousness. Psychedelics can show people the way and illuminate the pathway towards better mental wellbeing but each person using them needs to be willing to do the work and have the commitment to actually change.

Psychedelic integration is designed to help people plan, prepare, and make sense of psychedelic experiences. Individuals who have participated in a therapeutic psychedelic treatment can benefit from a more comprehensive interpretation of their experience.

Click on the image to hear Rick Doblin, founder of MAPS, share what the ideal integrative process looks like after taking a psychedelic and how to create the conditions to have the most therapeutic experience as possible.

Psychedelic Therapies will revolutionize mental health 

MDMA as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder is in Phase 3 clinical trial and is expected to be approved very soon to treat the over 300 million people affected with the condition. Psilocybin for depressive disorders has two drugs in Phase 2 with patient populations over 322 million. All of these treatments are being fast-tracked by the FDA and once approved there will be a major need for a convenient and confidential integration ( psychedelic aftercare ) solution. Currently, there are 90+ psychedelic clinics but that number is growing with companies expanding to be able to meet the upcoming demand.

Mindleap Health: At the Convergence of Tech, Mental Health, and Science

Mindleap Health is at the forefront of this industry with its digital telehealth platform focused on the psychedelic therapy industry. Mindleap has recognized that there is an unmet need for people to access psychedelic integration specialists and is creating the world’s first platform focusing on psychedelic aftercare.

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The company’s unique strategy was re-affirmed when it was acquired last week by Mydecine Innovations Group (CNSX: MYCO) (OTCMKTS: MYCOF)  a life sciences company focused on the development and commercialization of products and services that contribute to improved health and wellbeing with a specific focus on psychedelic medicine.

The tools Mindleap is building are the first of their kind to allow the patient to monitor, record, and track their mood and habits (both positive and negative) along with providing access to modern health services, namely integrated coaching to translate psychedelic experiences into positive change.

The system is completely secure and compliant with HIPAA and GDPR mandates and is being developed by a world-class development team with a proven track record.

Finally, Digital Mental Healthcare

As a society, we are becoming more familiar with digital healthcare. Electronic medical records are now the norm. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in more usage of video visits to doctors as people sheltered in place to prevent virus spread. A crisis being a catalyst is certainly unfortunate, but it did just make e-visits more mainstream as doctors and patients alike embraced social distancing.

Apropos, already valued at $31.46 billion in 2018, the global telemedicine market is expected to grow at a 19.3% rate by 2025, indicating that adoption is only going to keep accelerating.

Mindleap’s comprehensive platform, expected to launch at the end of summer, includes video visits, appointment scheduling and payment solutions.

Mindleap is also capitalizing on the world’s love of digital technologies, such as smartphones and connected wearable devices, in a newer science dubbed digital phenotyping. By passively collecting data (e.g. sleep patterns, exercise, social patterns), outcomes can be predicted using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This information subsequently helps healthcare providers optimize support.

The MindLeap App

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It is the epitome of the purpose of Big Data to anonymously help the greater cause by aggregating massive amounts of info. It’s very valuable from both financial and humanitarian perspectives.

The market opportunity as a first mover is tremendous, to say the least. There are more than 577,000 mental health professionals and over 13,000 behavioral health clinics in the U.S. to treat the more than 45 million Americans that have a mental illness.

To put this market opportunity into perspective, consider Livongo. The company has made a splash on Wall Street ($7.4 billion market cap) with an application connecting diabetics to physicians with the strategy that better engagement will promote better health. There are fewer diabetics (~34 million) in the U.S. than people with mental illness.

We’re at a Tipping Point

Thankfully, awareness is growing about the very real medicinal usefulness of psilocybin and other psychedelics. Indeed, they remain illegal as Schedule I drugs currently, but positions are beginning to soften to encourage clinical research. Oakland and Denver have already decriminalized magic mushrooms and over 100 other cities are considering similar action.

Leading research organizations, including Johns Hopkins, have dedicated millions of dollars to study psychedelics, which will only help create tailwinds with every positive development.

The next logical progression is providing patients with the best support possible to help them achieve meaningful changes to their quality of life. That’s exactly what Mindleap Health – and now Mydecine Innovations Group – is bringing to the table by changing the shape of the aftercare model.

Click here to learn more about investing in MindLeap and download an investor presentation

MindLeap Health Company Contact: 

Nik Vassev

Founder & CEO

[email protected]


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What is the Most Vital Part of an Effective Psychedelic Treatment?

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