Please note that on April 30, 2021, the Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division filed a Notice of Permanent Rulemaking. The Division intends to recommend to the State Licensing Authority for his consideration the adoption of amended rules that seek to restore fees based on prior reductions implemented during the Division’s 2016-2017 rulemaking session.
During the Division’s 2016 permanent rulemaking session, marijuana licensing fees were reduced by 22% in order to provide temporary relief to licensees. The Division is facing a cash flow shortfall in the 2021-2022 fiscal year which was only exacerbated by COVID-19. The Division’s recommendations regarding amendments to proposed rules will serve as one component to a larger financial management plan to identify additional funding sources for Marijuana Enforcement Division operating expenses.
Recognizing potential impacts on industry stakeholders, the Division values opportunities the rulemaking process provides for broad stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and feedback. The Division is proud of and remains dedicated to collaborative approaches to its rulemaking and other initiatives and will encourage stakeholder participation to ensure permanent rule recommendations are informed by stakeholder feedback and dialogue.
The Division will present proposed rules in a virtual stakeholder work group meeting scheduled Friday, May 28, 2021 and has scheduled its rulemaking hearing for Friday, June 4, 2021. Leading up to these events, the Division will also engage in outreach to solicit stakeholder comments and recommendations.
Additional resources related to the Division’s 2021 rulemaking session are available on the Marijuana Enforcement Division’s website.
The Colorado Dept. of Revenue, Marijuana Enforcement Division