Compliance Check Deadline February 14, 2024

The deadline to be included on the register for the February Board Meeting is February 14, 2024.

In order to be ready for approval at the February Board meeting, an applicant must:

  • Have fully completed their application
  • Received a certificate of occupancy from fire safety (when necessary), and
  • Have passed their initial compliance site review by the CCB.

The deadline to be on the register for the February Board Meeting is February 14.

Updates from the CCB Licensing Team –

License Renewals Best Practices

Incomplete letters during the license renewal process often arise due to several common reasons. To avoid delays, please ensure that your license renewal application includes the following:

  1. Current Insurance Policy: Make sure your insurance policy is up to date.
  2. Updated Banking Documentation: Ensure your banking documents are current and valid.
  3. Tax Compliance Documentation: Provide updated tax compliance documents for both the business and owners.
  4. Valid IDs: Include updated and valid identification documents.
  5. Lease Agreements (if applicable): If applicable, ensure that lease agreements are updated.

Taking these steps when you submit your license renewal application will help prevent delays in processing your license renewal.

Should you have any questions, you can always reach a member of the CCB Licensing Team by sending an email to [email protected]

Reminder from the CCB Licensing Team –

Project Address vs. Mailing Address

When filling out your initial or renewal application, please pay attention to the distinction between the ‘Project Address’ and ‘Mailing Address’ fields. The ‘Project Address’ refers to the physical location of your establishment, while the ‘Mailing Address’ is where your business receives mail.

Why are these distinctions important?

These distinctions are crucial to ensure accuracy in your application. When renewing, take a moment to review these fields and confirm that the information carried over from your initial application is still correct. This attention to detail helps facilitate a smooth renewal process. Thank you for your cooperation!

Members of the public who require ADA accommodations or translation services should contact Kelsi Alger ([email protected]) at least 24 hours in advance of any meeting.

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