Could Democrat Regulated Cannabis Supporter Oust Lindsey Graham ?

This would be a turn up for the books if it were to be the case. Graham is the consumate political grandee and his ousting would make for some very intereting developments

Marijuana Moment reports..

The Democrat mounting a well-funded bid to oust Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says he supports legalizing marijuana.

“I think we should legalize, regulate and tax marijuana like we do alcohol and tobacco,” Jaime Harrison argued this week. “There is simply no medical reason to lock people up over this issue. In essence, this is about common sense.”

The former South Carolina Democratic Party chairman said that the issue is also a matter of criminal justice reform.

“We know that marijuana arrests, including those for simple possession, account for a large number of drug arrests. The racial disparities in marijuana enforcement—black men and white men smoke marijuana the same rates, but black men are much more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession—is just unacceptable,” he said in an interview with CNBC

Read the full article to undersatnd the ramifications of Graham’s possible ousting..

Lindsey Graham Challenger Jaime Harrison Backs Legalizing Marijuana


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