Decriminalize Nature: “Last night the Grand Rapids City Commission took the first big step toward local decriminalization with a 5-2 vote to “support local, state, and federal legislative efforts to decriminalize Entheogenic Plants and Fungi”

They write in a facebook post

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Last night the Grand Rapids City Commission took the first big step toward local decriminalization with a 5-2 vote to “support local, state, and federal legislative efforts to decriminalize Entheogenic Plants and Fungi”

Thank you Grand Rapids City Commission for reaffirming current GR policy that the enforcement of laws regulating the possession and use of Entheogenic Plant and Fungi “has not been a high priority for the City of Grand Rapids with very little public funds directed toward proactive investigation or prosecution of such cases and that this City Commission supports ongoing low prioritization for regulating the possession and use of Entheogenic Plant and Fungi in the City of Grand Rapids.”

Thank you Grand Rapids Mayor Bliss and the GR City Commissioners for your commitment to send a letter of support from the city of Grand Rapids to advocate for the decriminalization of entheogens statewide through Michigan legislation SB 631.

Thank you Commissioner Reppart and the DN GR team for all of your hard work advocating for and educating the GR community. Close to 100 speakers shared their support last night, many offering personal testimonials about the healing potentials of entheogens.

Congratulations to all involved in the Grand Rapids resolution!

While there is still work to be done for local decriminalization, DNGR brought attention to an important issue and will continue to work toward local and state decriminalization in an effort to bring healing to the community.

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