They write
Today the Department of Health released an updated Request for Applications for 24 additional Alternative Treatment Center (ATC) Licenses throughout the state. The ATCs will have three endorsement/permit types: cultivation, dispensary, and vertically integrated permits. Vertically integrated permits will authorize the permit holder to cultivate, process, and dispense medical marijuana. In total, the Department will issue:
- Up to 5 cultivation endorsements
- Up to 15 dispensary endorsements
- Up to 4 vertically integrated permits
Siva also sent out an alert about NJ yesterday
New Jersey
Monday, July 1 – RFA Notice Released
Monday, July 15 (Or before) – Application + Forms Posted
Friday, August 2 – Pre-Application Webinar
Wednesday, August 21 at 3PM EST – Deadline for Dispensary Applications
Thursday, Aug 22 at 3PM EST – Deadline for Cultivation & Vertical
Applicants shall submit two checks to the “Treasurer, State of New Jersey”.
The first check will be $2,000.
The second check will be $18,000.
If the application is unsuccessful, the $2,000 check will be retained, and the $18,000 check will be returned.
· Applicants may only apply for one cultivation endorsement and may only submit one application per region.
· Applicants can submit up for up to three individual endorsements, but endorsements can not be for the same region.
· Current ATC holders are not eligible to participate in this RFA
· The Department will seek up to the following numbers of permit endorsements in each region as follows:
Northern Region
- Cultivation Endorsements: 2
- Dispensary Endorsements: 5
- Vertical Endorsements: 1
Central Region
- Cultivation Endorsements: 2
- Dispensary Endorsements: 5
- Vertical Endorsements: 1
Southern Region
- Cultivation Endorsements: 1
- Dispensary Endorsements: 5
- Vertical Endorsements: 1
· The Department will seek to issue cultivation endorsements in the following tiers of canopy size:
- 0-5,000 Square Feet of Canopy: 1 Endorsement
- 5,001 – 20,000 Square Feet of Canopy: 2 Endorsements
- 20,001 – 30,000 Square Feet of Canopy: 2 Endorsements
Application Breakdown
The application will be broken down into two sections:
Part A – Identified Criteria (Not Scored)
Part B – Non-Identified Criteria (300 Points Awarded – 100 page limit)
Criterion 1: Ability to meet the overall health needs of qualified patients and safety of public (30 pts)
- Security Plan (10 points)
- Environmental Impact Plan (10 points)
- Quality Control/Quality Assurance (10 Points)
Criterion 2: History of compliance (20 points)
- Background of principals, board and owners (20 points)
Criterion 3: Ability in ensuring an adequate supply of marijuana (20 points)
- Financing Plan (20 points)
Criterion 4: Community Support and Participation
- Ties to local community (20 points)
Criterion 5: Ability to provide research contributions (10 Points)
- Research contributions (10 points)
Criterion 6: Experience Cultivating/Dispensing (100 points)
Criterion 7: Workforce and job creation Plan (Social Equity) (100 points)
- Labor Peace Agreement (30 points)
- Labor Compliance Plan (20 points)
- Minority Owned, Women-owned or veteran-owned business certification(30 points)
- Workforce and job-creation plan (20 points)