Document: The Biden-Harris Administration’s Statement of Drug Policy Priorities for Year One

These are the relevant Sub Headings and reading the document in full we’d suggest the distinct lack of mention of cannabis in the document means the White House is keeping all options open and we’d suggest probably thinking at this stage is not to rock the boat on the issue but let the politics play out down the road.

We imagine they will let Schumer et al carry the load and then horsetrade when it comes time for Biden to put pen to paper.


Priority 1: Expanding access to evidence-based treatment

Priority 2: Advancing racial equity in our approach to drug policy

Priority 3: Enhancing evidence-based harm reduction efforts

Priority 4. Supporting evidence-based prevention efforts to reduce youth substance use

Priority 5. Reducing the supply of illicit substances

Priority 6: Advancing recovery-ready workplaces and expanding the addiction workforce

Priority 7: Expand Access to Recovery Support Services



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