Cannabiz Australia reports
Legalise Cannabis WA leader Dr Brian Walker has slammed the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) for “a wholly unacceptable political bias” in failing to invite him to take part in a party leaders forum in the run up to the state election next month.
ABC Perth Radio’s Mornings Live Election Special: Ask the Leaders was scheduled to air this morning (Wednesday) and feature every party leader from the WA parliament except Dr Walker, whom LCWA claimed was not invited “in spite of numerous emails to the ABC calling upon them to show a suitable level of impartiality”.
Dr Walker added: “The ABC’s clear bias against the Legalise Cannabis Party and movement is so blatant that we have gone so far as to seek senior legal advice in recent days.
“This should be a concern to every right-minded voter in our state. They are violating our rights now, and in so doing, they are violating yours as well.”
Cannabiz has approached the ABC for comment.
Dr Brian Walker alleges ABC bias after leaders election special snub