Emyria and Cann Group ink deal to sell CBD placebo in Australia

We’ll let Cannabiz tell you the story because we’re too exhausted.

All we’ll say is, what good 50mg CBD doses will do anybody except make these companies money is beyond CLR. Maybe the money is needed to pay off the Hong Kong legal bills


You might as well drink a glass of water it’s cheaper and better for you

We thought the whole idea of the TGA was to curb snake oil .

Just so we are really clear on this

A range of CBD products appeared to be accessible without prescription in seven out of nine countries reviewed. Australia and New Zealand were the exceptions where clinician prescription was required to access any CBD-containing product. CBD products commonly available without prescription included oils, gel capsules, purified crystal and topical products. The daily recommended doses with orally administered non-prescription products were typically well below 150 mg and substantially lower than the doses reported to have therapeutic effects in published clinical trials (e.g., 300-1500 mg). The legal foundations enabling access in several countries were often unclear, with marketed products sometimes failing to meet legal requirements for sale. There was an obvious disparity between federal directives and available products in both the USA and European countries examined.


Some choice phrases in the Cann Group blurbarama

  • unique, low-dose, CBD-only capsule
  • unmet needs in mental health.
  • robust safety, efficacy and patient preference
  • pivotal clinical outcomes trials 


If we have to read the words uniquerobust and pivotal one more time our collective CLR head will most likely explode and as for unmet needs

and then there’s this …

Peter Crock added:

“Cann Group is pleased to partner with Emyria to accelerate the registration of a Schedule 3 medicine.
“We anticipate there will be a large demand for a TGA-registered CBD medicine that is convenient to patients and demonstrates the highest standards of quality, safety and efficacy.
“We believe our microsphere technology – with improved bioavailability – fits well with Emyria’s drug-development programs, which have the potential to accelerate registration with the TGA due to [their] extensive real-world data, national clinical site network and previous drug-development experience


Cannabiz write

Emyria and Cann Group have announced a collaboration to seek accelerated registration of a unique, low-dose, CBD-only capsule with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for sale over the counter in pharmacies.

Under the agreement, Emyria’s EMD-003 drug-development program will use Cann’s proprietary Gelpell microsphere technology as the basis for seeking a Schedule 3 registration for treating unmet needs in mental health.

Full article. https://www.cannabiz.com.au/emyria-and-cann-group-ink-deal-to-fast-track-over-the-counter-cbd-registration/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Cannabiz%20newsletter%201421&utm_content=Cannabiz%20newsletter%201421+CID_7d9ffea5a4769df48a0b1f7dd1784ade&utm_source=CampaignMonitor&utm_term=READ%20MORE


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