FAQs Unveiled: The How-To Guide For Using CBD In Florida

Navigating the landscape of CBD in Florida has become much easier since the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (the 2018 Farm Bill) federally legalized industrial hemp, thus reclassifying it as an agricultural commodity with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of 0.3% or less. Following this, Florida took decisive action with Senate Bill 1020, amending the criminal definition of “Cannabis” to exclude “Hemp” or industrial hemp, effectively legalizing hemp-derived cannabinoids, including CBD, across the state in 2019.

Is CBD oil legal in Florida?

Yes. The clear regulations established by the 2018 Farm Bill and Senate Bill 1020 offer reassurance, making CBD oil accessible for consumers adhering to the legal THC threshold.

Understanding CBD and Its Legal Status in Florida

Legal foundations and definitions

  • Senate Bill 1020 – Legalization of Hemp and CBD: In 2019, Florida passed Senate Bill 1020, which legalized hemp and hemp-derived CBD products containing less than 0.3% THC, aligning state law with federal regulations from the 2018 Farm Bill.
  • Definition and Cultivation of Hemp: Hemp is defined under Florida legislature as the plant Cannabis sativa L., including seeds and all derivatives, with a THC concentration of no more than 0.3% (dry-weight basis. Cultivation is permitted only on lands zoned for agricultural or industrial purposes or at a nursery.
  • Regulations on THC Content in Products: As of July 1, 2021, hemp products, including CBD, must contain no more than 0.5mg THC per serving or 2mg total THC per package to comply with state regulations.

Distribution and legal usage

  • Distribution and Sale Requirements: Hemp extracts, including CBD, can be legally distributed and sold in Florida if they adhere to strict labeling and packaging requirements set by the state. These regulations ensure consumer safety and product transparency.
  • Legal Possession and Usage: Personal possession of hemp-derived products is legal, and the mere odor of cannabis doesn’t constitute probable cause for a search, providing privacy and security for users.
  • Age Restrictions and Usage: CBD products are legal for purchase by individuals 21 years of age or older. More potent hemp plant extracts can be prescribed by doctors and obtained through licensed medical marijuana dispensaries for specific medical conditions.

CBD Products Available in Florida

When exploring the range of CBD products available in Florida, you’ll find a diverse selection that caters to various preferences and needs. Florida offers a variety of hemp extract products. These include:

  • CBD oils
  • CBD gummies
  • CBD topicals
  • CBD pet products

Each product must adhere to strict guidelines, such as containing no more than 0.3% THC.

Additionally, packaging must include essential details like a scannable barcode or link to a Certificate of Analysis (COA) by an independent lab, batch number, website for more product information, expiration date, and a statement confirming THC content.

For those interested in specific brands, Florida is home to several reputable CBD companies. Notable brands include Bluebird Botanicals, which is known for its commitment to quality and consumer safety. These products are rigorously third-party lab-tested to ensure safety, quality, and compliance with THC content regulations.


How should a beginner start using CBD?

For beginners, the most recommended form of CBD is CBD oil, although CBD gummies and capsules are also popular choices. To use CBD oil, simply apply it under your tongue using a dropper. This method is quick and straightforward.

Is CBD legal in Florida?

Yes. As of 2019, Florida CBD laws allow the use of CBD products that contain up to 0.3% THC concentration. This includes consumable products and topical applications such as oils and tinctures. These products can be legally purchased and used by individuals who are 18 years and older.

What should I consider when starting to use CBD?

It is advisable to begin with a small dose of about 5 milligrams of CBD and gradually increase the amount to between 20 to 40 milligrams, depending on your body’s response and your specific needs. This approach is particularly useful for those with higher body weights or those seeking relief from physical discomfort.

What is the recommended approach for trying CBD for the first time?

For first-time users, the industry-standard approach is to “start low and go slow.” Begin with a 10mg dose of CBD and adjust the dosage upwards in small increments of 5mg every 2 to 3 days until you find the dose that works best for you. This method helps determine the most effective dosage for your individual needs.

Looking Ahead: The Future of CBD in Florida

The potential legislative changes and the dynamic nature of the CBD market in Florida suggest both challenges and opportunities for consumers, businesses, and regulators. The emphasis on lab testing, product transparency, and continuous adaptation to legal requirements underscores the importance of informed consumer choices.

As Florida continues to navigate the fine balance between regulation and access, the CBD market’s future appears poised for innovative growth, further research, and an ongoing dialog between industry stakeholders and legislative bodies to ensure the safe, effective, and responsible use of CBD products across the state.

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