Folium Med Say Their Shipment To Unamed Client Will Slash Medicinal Cannabis Prices In Australia

We’ll believe it when we see it and why does the recipient company have to be top secret?

Is it run by Russian oligarchs?

Sometimes I wonder if you take look at Australia’s Macquarie dictionary whether you’d actually find the word “transparency” listed!

Via Cannabiz

Foliumed has shipped the first of two large consignments of medicinal cannabis from its Colombian cultivation facility to an unnamed Australian recipient.

The firm, which also has a manufacturing operation in Germany, said the shipment consists of pharmaceutical cannabis ingredients with a shelf life of 18 to 24 months.

Founder and CEO Oliver Zügel told Cannabiz: “This is the first of two shipments which allow our customer to supply about 5% of Australian demand at less than half the cost compared to local production.”

Zügel said high wages and energy prices in Australia meant producing affordable medicinal cannabis was challenging for the local industry.

“This has become a big issue for patients who pay more than A$200 for a monthly dose, available only under prescription. This limits access to the well heeled or those willing to take the risk [and] buy more cheaply from the black market.”

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Foliumed lands first of two large shipments in Oz

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