Former French President Hollande Says He Supports Medical Cannabis…””Decriminalization without legalization doesn’t make much sense””

In an interview with online media Konbini, the former President of the Republic, François Hollande, spoke in favor of the legalization of cannabis. “The solution can be police, trying to dismantle point of sale by point of sale, (but) it cannot be a lasting solution,” he adds.

Former President François Hollande  said Wednesday he was in favor of the legalization of cannabis, in an interview with Konbini media. If he is “not favorable” to the consumption of cannabis, the former head of state has nevertheless “arrived at the conclusion that this trade must be legalized to better control it, to ensure health. public and ultimately eradicate trafficking “.

“Illegal trafficking which has plagued neighborhoods”

The former head of state (2012-2017) underlines that the consumption of cannabis “has for years introduced a trade, illegal trafficking, which has plagued neighborhoods and largely disrupted the lives of residents”. “The solution can be police, try to dismantle point of sale by point of sale, (but) that cannot be a lasting solution”, adds François Hollande. He notes that “in Germany the government coalition will propose the legalization of cannabis. It is important that in Europe we can combine our efforts to achieve the same solutions”.

“Decriminalization without legalization doesn’t make much sense”

According to him, “decriminalization without legalization does not make much sense”. “As soon as it is legalized, there is no longer any reason to penalize, except those who could drive while having smoked or those who harm their health and the health of others by over-consuming”, he specifies. . The former president does not want “above all (…) that there is an encouragement, an incentive to this consumption”, but he judges that “it is better to settle the question of the need rather than to build a situation which has all the faults of today “.

If Emmanuel Macron proposed in mid-April to “launch a major debate on drug consumption”, the executive is opposed to any legalization.


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