Former Greens MP hopes to legalise cannabis in NSW

The Goulburn Post

Former Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham has switched parties in the hope of re-entering NSW parliament for the Legalise Cannabis Party.

“We know the war on cannabis has failed and that prohibition creates more harm than it aims to prevent,” Mr Buckingham said on Monday.

The party maintains the criminalisation of cannabis use and possession are both ineffective and unfair, and have a disproportionate impact on sick, young and Indigenous people.

Also running on the party’s ticket is former Australian Idol host James Mathison.

The party is confident after having two upper house MPs elected in the most recent Victorian and Western Australian elections.

“We think there’s a good chance (and) we’re going to run a positive campaign,” Mr Buckingham told AAP.

“The majority of Australians now support legalisation.”

Medicinal cannabis use is growing across NSW, with close to 500,000 people using the drug nationally.

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