France: Reims Mayor Wants More Cannabis Debate

In a recent interview with France Inter, Arnaud Robinet, Mayor of Reims, stressed the urgent need to move away from the right-left ideological discourse well anchored that surrounds the legalization of cannabis in France. The’appel of Mr. Robinet intervenes in a context of worrying’ escalation of disturbing violence around the drug trafficking, evident in more and more French cities.

Overcoming the repressive policies

Arnaud Robinet, who already has called several times for the legalization of cannabis alongside other Republican mayors,’ paints a grim picture of the current situation, highlighting the intensification of competition between the two countries drug traffickers, which has led to an upsurge in armed gangs and the tragedies that result from them. Recent incidents, such as the shooting in the Blosne district of Rennes, highlight the seriousness of the situation. Hooded assailants, equipped with Kalashnikovs, opened fire, causing the’ intervention of the forces of the order.

Faucet advocates moving away from the prevailing punitive’ approach to drug control, recognizing that’elle does not achieve positive results for the general population.

“I want that the’on continues with the most repressive policy in Europe but we see today’ the limits and this does not give solutions or positive results for the population and for our fellow citizens”, estimated Arnaud Robinet.

Without being opposed to strict measures, he stresses the need for’une strategy plus global and more efficacious. Rather than rely solely on repression, Mr. Robinet advocates a multifaceted approach that tackles the root causes while guaranteeing the accountability within the judicial system.

The central role of the judicial system in the fight against drug-related crimes is at the heart of the proposal of Robinet. He insists on the’ importance of’imposing exemplary penalties aux traffickers, thus marking a firm position against the’ impunity. In addition, Mr. Robinet calls for a coordinated effort of the government to tackle both the drug trafficking and aux social problems, thus recognizing the interdependent nature of these challenges.

The plea of Robinet in favour of’un nuanced dialogue stresses the need for’ to develop policies that are evidence-based and informed by the specialists from domain. By overcoming ideological divides, stakeholders can foster a approach plus pragmatical the complex issue of the legalizing cannabis. In addition, Faucet insists on the’imperative to provide solutions to address the concerns of citizens and which would strengthen the citizens’ trust in governments and police.



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