George “Greg” Lake, Esq. Lecture 4; Video 3 (Cont’d)- RFRA Analysis 42 U.S.C. 2000bb

As promised, this is a continuation of the Third Video in the Fourth Lecture Series covering the text of the RFRA statute. Yesterday we made it up to 42 U.S.C. 2000bb-1(c), which is where I pick up today. Please note, as I do numerous times through this and other videos, we will be paying special attention to the jurisdictional parameters of the RFRA statute (in the historical context, legislative history, statutory text, and as applied by the federal courts). Obviously, our particular attention to RFRA’s jurisdictional paradigm arises from our concern with the DEA ‘s attempts to subvert the courts’ jurisdiction over religious free exercise claims and defenses.

Today, while we start on subsection 1(c), we pay very close attention to the definition of “demonstrates” under the definitions section 2(3) and the entire “Applicability” subsection 42 USC 2000bb-3. Both of these provisions provide further statutory validation for our firm belief that the DEA lacks jurisdiction to preside, in any way or in any capacity, over religious free exercise claims. Again, you will notice how this plot thickens as we move throughout this Fourth Lecture series.

I hope everyone is having a really strong start to this year (2025). This is going to be a HUGE year for our community and for us all individually, so lets lean into it. As always, huge thanks and shout out to my Patrons here, and welcome to those who are joining us for the first time. All love (likes, shares, comments, donations, and even asking questions) are great ways to exchange energy with the channel.

As stated in the video, I probably won’t be back until Monday due to a big event here at the house this weekend. However, I’ll be filming a groundbreaking lecture this weekend on “Psychedelic Psychology as Protected Expression of Religious Free Exercise Under the First Amendment.” That talk will be posted exclusively on the Patreon page so get your free membership while you can!!!!


Much Love!!!!!



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