German Cannabis Business Association
Lower Saxony: Municipalities feel overwhelmed by cannabis controls
2024-10-30 | The Lower Saxony Association of Towns and Municipalities (NSGB) has made it clear in a resolution that the municipalities cannot afford to enforce the Cannabis Act. NSGB President Dr. Marco Trips emphasized that the cities, municipalities and joint municipalities are at their limits and, according to him, do not have the necessary resources such as scales, drug tests or personnel capacities to control violations.
The municipalities criticized the ongoing underfunding and the constant transfer of tasks without sufficient financial support. They demanded that the federal and state governments themselves should take care of child and youth protection and addiction prevention. The release of cannabis is a federal concern, the implementation of which now lies with the state.
Lower Saxony: Strict regulations planned for cannabis use and cultivation
202-11-16 | Lower Saxony has presented a draft for a cannabis fines catalog that provides for penalties of up to 15,000 euros for violations. The Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung reports that particularly high fines are threatened for advertising and sponsoring in connection with cannabis. Consumption in the vicinity of minors or in certain public places is also to be punished with fines.
Health Minister Andreas Philippi emphasized that the new freedoms regarding cannabis would only work with clear rules. The controls should be carried out by the local authorities as part of their regular monitoring of public spaces, but this would meet with resistance from the local authorities.