Govt Media Release Missouri: DHSS launches investigation into fraudulent medical marijuana certifications

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Based on findings during a recent and ongoing investigation, the Section for Medical Marijuana Regulation within the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has determined that approximately 600 patient licenses have been issued to applicants who submitted physician certification forms with an unauthorized physician signature. At this time, there is no evidence to indicate the affected patients were aware the physician listed was not the physician who met with them. However, the physician certification for these patients was not valid.

Patients impacted by this fraudulent activity will be notified, and they will be allowed 30 days to submit a valid certification to DHSS. If a valid certification is not received, the patient’s license will be revoked, pursuant to 19 CSR 30-95.030(3)(B)1.C, and a pro-rated refund of the original registration fee for the amount of time left on the deactivated license will be provided.

“Through our many types of regulatory efforts, we remain watchful for any wrongdoing in order to protect Missourians,” said Dr. Randall Williams, director of DHSS. “Our main concern is how this fraudulent activity negatively affects patients, and we are working to minimize the impact on them while also holding accountable those who are responsible.”

DHSS has referred this case to the Attorney General’s Office and to the Missouri Board of Healing Arts for further action. Anyone with further information can contact the medical marijuana program call center at 866-219-0165, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 – 3:30, or by email at

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