Guernsey: Deputies raise concerns about ‘black market’ in medicinal cannabis

Before we get to the article let’s just remind ourselves about Guernsey

Population 67,642 (2023 est.) ( CIA FACT BOOK)

Read the article and the comments especially!


Two senior politicians have raised concerns about an escalation of cannabis use in the island and the alleged misuse of medicinal cannabis issued on prescription.

Education committee president Andrea Dudley-Owen said she had been made aware of ‘multiple incidences’ of diversion fraud. (33160081)

Home Affairs president Rob Prow is concerned about the growth of a black market in the drug and about the extent of ‘diversion fraud’ of prescription cannabis being supplied to another person.

Home Affairs president Rob Prow

His committee has discussed the issue with Health & Social Care and the two committees have agreed to continue talks on the availability of the drug.

Education committee president Andrea Dudley-Owen has also expressed concerns about the high numbers of prescriptions and said she had been made aware of ‘multiple incidences’ of diversion fraud.

Cannabis was prescribed more than 13,000 times in the island last year.

‘Have we unwittingly opened up an avenue for recreational use via the accessibility to medicinal cannabis, despite it being via prescription?’ said Deputy Dudley-Owen.

The Education president was also concerned about the mixed messages being delivered to young people over medicinal cannabis, calls for the legalisation of the drug, and taxpayer-funded education on the risks of drug abuse.

A significant cannabis event takes place today – the ‘420 event’ is strictly ticketed and over-18, with cannabis consumption permitted for medical patients using vaporisers – and two local prescribing clinics have defended their industry against the claims.

Both Medicann and Pura Health said that they were doing everything they could to ensure that medicinal cannabis was only used by those who had been prescribed it.

‘We strictly adhere to prescribing protocols,’ said Tina Bolding from Pura Health.

Gary Whipp, chief executive of Medicann, said: ‘We have had no contact from Guernsey Police about diversion to others or onward selling. However, I can say that all Medicann patients are educated about the regulations surrounding their prescription medication and sign a consent form to that effect.’

Here are some of the comments , they make a much better read than the article – summed up in one word “Waffle”


When my kids were growing up in Guernsey xx years ago, the biggest marketplace for cannabis was The Grammar School.

The illegal drug debate and legislation are as full of hypocrisies as the others.

  • S
  • So what? It does far less damage and is far more manageable than alcohol.

    I don’t touch the stuff because if I do I don’t get much done but for those who want to I don’t really see the problem.

    AND? Once again a subject has been raised with no suggestion what they will do about it or what if anything can be done about it, so apart from stir up a few who have a strong opinion either way what’s the point?

    • S

      Surely not?! This legal product which is FAR more potent then anything you can buy illegally and can also buy in far higher quantity isn’t being used as directed? Shock!

      Did the Island deputies really think that these people wouldn’t sell it on and make a profit?

    • M

      In other news, bears defecate in the woods and the Pope wears a hat.

    • T

      Legalise it and tax the sales instead of continuing this “medical” farce and put some of the money raised into keeping out drugs that actually harm people.


      Shocker, who would have thought.

    • G

      Rob Prow warned about this epidemic multiple times over 3 years ago. Well done states of guernsey and the instigator Marc L for destroying life on GUERNSEY

      • A

        Rob Prow is a dinosaur that needs to retire. ML has his fingers deep in the herbal pie and should not be anywhere near this topic as a politician. ADO needs to sort her own house out.

      • D

        What a hysterical statement, last time I checked I don’t remember seeing legions of Spice zombies on street corners or a run of Fentanyl overdoses?

        I don’t personally use cannabis, however, I know plenty of people who do and can say that it’s certainly not “destroyed” any of the people that I know. Conversely, a couple of people that were somewhat prone to fistcuffs when well in drink are now very much the opposite and are certainly very different with cannabis then alcohol.

        I’m somewhat on the fence with the whole cannabis argument and don’t really have an opinion either way, however Mr Prow is another thing entirely, the sooner that man is gone, the better.

      • L

        Hardly an epidemic, Rob Prow is stuck in the 20th century, he hates the drug, he’ll do anything to try and limit/get rid of it.

      • How has it “destroyed life on Guernsey”? What a joke. You wouldn’t even know about it if it wasn’t for this article.

        • D

          How right you are. This fuss is just sad and I can’t understand what motivates people to get all in a flap about something that can really help people. Where is the harm? Our regime is liberal and forward-thinking. Maybe that’s it, liberal. Anyway, don’t they know how much a prescription costs? If I were a deputy I would be more concerned about the people who need cannabis and can’t afford it

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