Harris Says She Will Federally Legalze Cannabis In Her “Vice President Harris will deliver for Black men and their families.” Pitch

Here’s the page on her site that is getting everybody excited. Let’s be clear there’s no specifics about which term she might do it in just the one tag line

Legalize marijuana at the federal level to break down unjust legal barriers that hold Black men and other Americans back




Vice President Harris will deliver for Black men and their families.

Vice President Harris is laying out an agenda to give Black men the tools to build wealth and achieve financial freedom, lower costs for themselves and their families, and protect their rights—addressing the issues that Black men across the country have told her are their top concerns.

  • Provide 1 million forgivable loans up to $20,000 to Black entrepreneurs and others who have a good idea but don’t have the resources, connections, or access to capital to get their business off the ground
  • Launch a National Health Equity Initiative focused on Black men


  • Legalize marijuana at the federal level to break down unjust legal barriers that hold Black men and other Americans back


  • Lower costs by enacting the first-ever federal ban on corporate price-gouging for food and groceries
  • Lower rent and provide down payment assistance to triple the number of new first-time Black homeowners

Black men deserve a president who will deliver on promises.

Vice President Harris knows that Black men have long felt that too often their voice in our political process has gone unheard and that there is so much untapped ambition and leadership within the Black male community.

Black men and boys deserve a president who will provide the opportunity to unleash this talent and potential by removing historic barriers to wealth creation, education, employment, earnings, health, and improving the criminal justice system. Black men deserve a president who will deliver on promises and equip them with the tools and resources to make their aspirations a reality.

Donald Trump is a serious threat to the lives and opportunities of Black Americans and Black men.

  • Trump falsely accused the Exonerated Five and called for them to receive the death penalty.
  • His history as a landlord is checkered with repeated allegations of racial discrimination and outright refusal to rent to Black tenants.
  • Following the murder of George Floyd, Trump described Black protestors as “THUGS,” threatening that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
  • As president he referred to majority-Black nations as “s***hole countries.”
  • Recently, Trump spread dangerous lies about Black Haitians “eating the pets” of their neighbors.

If he’s reelected, things will get worse.

  • Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda doubles down on his mistreatment of Black men and their families.
  • He’ll bring back stop and frisk and enact full immunity for police who commit crimes on duty.
  • He’ll cut funding for education, Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
    He will slap a Trump Tax on everything from food to gasoline, raising costs on the average Black family by nearly $4,000 or more.
  • He will erase four years of financial gains and job growth for Black men and leave their communities worse off for it.


Vice President Harris Will Deliver for Black Men

She Will Provide the Tools to Black Men to Build Wealth, Support Their Families, and Lead in Their Communities

Vice President Harris will build an Opportunity Economy where everyone has the opportunity to not just get by, but to get ahead. She knows that Black men have long felt that too often their voice in our political process has gone unheard and that there is so much untapped ambition and leadership within the Black male community. Black men and boys deserve a president who will provide the opportunity to unleash this talent and potential by removing historic barriers to wealth creation, education, employment, earnings, health, and improving the criminal justice system. Black men deserve a president who will deliver on promises and equip them with the tools and resources to make their aspirations a reality.

This year, Vice President Harris launched a first-of-its-kind, nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour to help entrepreneurs access the capital and resources they need to launch and grow their businesses, build wealth, and strengthen their communities—especially Black male entrepreneurs. While traveling across the country to cities like Atlanta, Detroit, and Charlotte, she heard powerful stories from Black men about the biggest hurdles that still make it too difficult for them to get their businesses off the ground and grow them to meet their full ambitions and discussed policies that can help break down remaining barriers to success.

Drawing on insights from her experience throughout her career and her Economic Opportunity Tour, today Vice President Harris is laying out an Opportunity Agenda for Black Men to provide them with the tools to achieve financial freedom, lower costs to better provide for themselves and their families, and protect their rights. This pathbreaking agenda includes:

  1. Providing 1 million loans that are fully forgivable to Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business.
  2. Championing education, training, and mentorship programs that help Black men get good-paying jobs in high-demand industries and lead their communities, including pathways to become teachers.
  3. Supporting a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency and other digital assets so Black men who invest in and own these assets are protected.
  4. Launching a National Health Equity Initiative focused on Black Men that addresses sickle cell disease, diabetes, mental health, prostate cancer, and other health challenges that disproportionately impact them.
  5. Legalizing recreational marijuana and creating opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry.

Vice President Harris will lower costs and give Black men the tools to build wealth, provide for their families, and lead their communities.

Vice President Harris knows that costs are too high for Black men and that Black men have long been denied the tools that would allow them to grow their wealth, get a good-paying job, and support their loved ones. That’s why she has a plan to address these concerns.

She will ensure that Black men can build wealth and achieve economic success by:
She will also make it a top priority to lower costs for Black men by:

Vice President Harris will ensure Black men have access to high-quality, affordable health care.

Vice President Harris and Governor Walz are committed to bringing down health care costs and protecting access to health care. Black Americans face higher risks of developing cancer, diabetes, and other chronic and costly diseases.

To ensure that Black men have their health care needs met, Vice President Harris will:

Vice President Harris will fight to protect the rights of Black men.

As we enact policies that lift Black men up, we must remove the barriers that have so often held them back. She will:

Vice President Harris has long led efforts to ensure the security and prosperity of Black men and Black families, from taking on corporations discriminating against Black Americans as California Attorney General to launching major initiatives to build wealth in Black communities as Vice President. Over the past four years, Vice President Harris has worked alongside President Biden to increase Black wealth by 60% compared to before the pandemic and to help over 250,000 Black Americans become homeowners. As Vice President and as a Senator, she secured tens of billions of dollars for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) across the country and launched the Economic Opportunity Coalition—a novel public-private initiative where private sector entities are driving tens of billions of dollars into underserved communities.

She has also been fighting for justice reform for decades. As San Francisco District Attorney, she implemented a nationally recognized model to reduce recidivism rates from 50% to under 10%. And as Vice President, she strengthened accountability for federal law enforcement by banning chokeholds, restricting no-knock entries, and providing guidance on use-of-force standards.

But Vice President Harris knows there is so much more work to do to make Black men feel valued and like they have a government that cares about them and their dreams for the future. As President, she is committed to knocking down the barriers that have for so long kept Black men back and giving them the tools to achieve financial freedom, lower costs for themselves and their families, and protect their rights.

Trump Doesn’t Care About Black Men and Their Families

Donald Trump spent four years making Black men’s lives harder. On his watch, millions of Black men lost their jobs, thousands closed their businesses, and hundreds of thousands lost their health insurance. As thousands of Black men lost their lives to COVID-19, Donald Trump denied the severity of the crisis and made millions more unsafe. Crime in Black neighborhoods soared while Donald Trump cut funding for public safety and made Black communities less secure.

He has repeatedly shown open contempt for Black Americans and Black men, attacking their rights, fueling division, and standing in the way of their progress. He falsely accused the Exonerated Five and called for them to receive the death penalty. His history as a landlord is checkered with repeated allegations of racial discrimination and outright refusal to rent to Black tenants. Following the murder of George Floyd, Trump described Black protestors as “THUGS,” threatening that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” As president he referred to Haiti and African nations as “s***hole countries.” And, most recently, Trump spread falsehoods about Black Haitians “eating the pets” of their neighbors and in the past described Haiti and other majority Black nations as “shitholes.”

If he’s re-elected, his hostility toward Black men and their communities will continue. His Project 2025 Agenda doubles down on his mistreatment of Black men and their families, promising to cut funding for urban education, bring back stop-and-frisk practices, and slash critical investments in safety net programs like Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Meanwhile, he will slap a Trump Tax on everything from food to gasoline, raising costs on the average Black family by nearly $4,000 or more. He will erase four years of financial gains and job growth for Black men and leave their communities worse off for it.

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