Harvest, Inc. d/b/a Arizona Natural Selections

Case Number: 28-CA-305275

Date Filed: 10/07/2022

Status: Open

Location: Scottsdale, AZ

Region Assigned: Region 28, Phoenix, Arizona


Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
10/07/2022 Signed Charge Against Employer* Charging Party

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

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  • 8(a)(1) Coercive Statements (Threats, Promises of Benefits, etc.)
  • 8(a)(3) Discharge (Including Layoff and Refusal to Hire (not salting))
  • 8(a)(1) Concerted Activities (Retaliation, Discharge, Discipline)


Weedweek Analyze the case ..

The complaint, alleges that for six months the company has “interfered with, coerced and restrained employees in the exercise of their section 7 rights by among other things terminating [name] because of his union and protected activities; by denying employees a pay increase; by telling employees that they will not get additional employee discounts because of their union activity.” 

“The allegations are false,” Steve Vancore, a spokesman for Trulieve said. “Worse than that, the union is seeking to protect an employee we let go due to his abusive behavior in which he sent a derogatory text to a co-worker.”

Vancore said the union was not aware of text’s contents and declined to provide it. Attempts to reach the worker were not successful.

Martin Hernandez, organizing director of UFCW99 in Phoenix denied that Wade was fired for an abusive text. “Workers deserve due process and this employee was denied any process other than termination,” he said.

“[This] defense of abusive behavior toward another employee, which [the worker] has not denied, is inexcusable,” Vancore responded.

“Workers here and at cannabis dispensaries around the country deserve due process and justice,” Hernandez wrote. “These workers are fighting for, dignity and respect on the job.”
Asked Trulieve’s view of unions, Vancore wrote, “Trulieve strives throughout our organization to create a positive, safe and rewarding work environment for all our employees with industry leading salaries and benefits.”

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